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Displaying items by tag: Prayer and Outreach

A report from Elias Apetogbo – Prayer Covenant for Children Continental Leader and Fidele Zouma from Burkina Faso

While much of original plan to train and mobilize children to reach out to their peers in May was put on hold by Covid-19, training did take place and the vision and passion continues.

Fidele Zouma, Head of Children’s Ministry for Assemblies of God and Prayer Covenant National Leader for Burkina Faso shares the following. “In late February the Assemblies of God of Burkina Faso hosted 300 leaders from all denominations to take part in Prayer Covenant children’s leadership training.

We then provided each leader with more than 300 prayers cards to use within their children’s ministry. Each of the leaders was commissioned to train 10 children as part of the Go 2020 Kids strategy.

05bThose children were equipped to reach five others with the gospel. When we followed up, each leader had begun the training within their ministry. In order to help facilitate this, we started a television Prayer Covenant ministry due to Covid-19. The feedback from pastors is that the children are really responding well and liking the program. Children are praying for their friends to come to know and follow Jesus.

The pandemic has opened many new doors. One example was an invitation for children to do daily Prayer Covenant Online Radio Programs with the All African Baptist Youth Fellowship in 12 nations, including Togo, Rwanda, Ghana, Nigeria, Namibia, Malawi, Niger, Guinea, Gabon, Cameron, Benin and Sierra Leon.

05cAll but one station gave separate airtime for the children and youth to reach out in two or more languages. Elias says, “We are really encouraged by the commitment of leaders that lead prayer meetings through radio program across the Continent.

I’m personally greatly encouraged by the way leaders use Bible quotation in their prayers for winning souls. It’s so fantastic and very inspiring. And that is helping us to trust the power in prayer."

On the ground outreach continued as well. Elias tells us, “Children are so joyful to be part of divine mission. In fact, they are always happy when time comes to go and share the Gospel. Children are very happy to know that the opportunity is given to them to be useful in the vineyard of the master. I can read the joy in their faces when they pray for the salvation of souls. They are very excited when they go out to display small beautiful and powerful words of evangelization. None of them like to miss such moments. To God be the glory!

This is the time to evaluate our impact and to motivate kids to hold on the zeal of evangelism.

More info at: https://theprayercovenant.org/children/