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Displaying items by tag: Prague

Thursday, 21 December 2023 23:54

Prague: shock after gunman kills 14

A gunman has killed at least 14 people and injured another 25 at a university in the historic city centre of Prague. It was the deadliest attack in modern Czech history. Staff and students barricaded themselves in rooms during the attack; videos showed some people jumping to safety from the top of the building, and many fleeing the area in panic. Police say the 24-year-old gunman was ‘eliminated’ following the shootings. Prime minister Petr Fiala said he had cancelled upcoming engagements in light of the tragic events. The gunman, a student at the university, was from a village 13 miles outside Prague. His father had been found dead earlier in the day. The gunman's motives were not immediately known. He legally owned multiple firearms: the Czech Republic has the most permissive gun laws in the EU.

Published in Europe


“Even though it's one of the most beautiful cities in the world outwardly, to my heart it seemed like Nineveh, caught in the valley of decision - not knowing where to go. There are many cities like it all across Central Europe and now it's the church's time to enter the valley and show them the way out.

Since then we have been praying as a team daily for this and we found out this year (2017) will be the 500th year anniversary of the Reformation through Luther. It will also be around 600 years since the Czech Apostle Jan Hus was martyred, and l have personally been gripped by God that it's now time for a NEW REFORMATION.
This Reformation won't be one that divides us though, but rather unites us for the purpose of our cities turning back to God. Sure we could have more conferences - more training - but at some point what we are learning has to affect our nations' future and cause thousands to turn back to God. We don't need to wait anymore, we need a move of God right now. 

Luther said: "If I don't pray for 1 day, I feel it. If I don't pray for 2 days, the church feels it. But if I don't pray for 3 days the whole nation feels it". That's exactly where we are at. It's not the time to be asleep, but to be gripped with prayer and to bring mass outreach into this continent.

At this event you will be trained to go back to your nation and city and reach it for Jesus. There will also be a huge emphasis on bringing the lost into the stadium as we call them home to our loving Father. Well known speakers and bands are flying in from all over the world. Men and women of God and churches from all around Europe are bringing bus loads of people to see a NEW REFORMATION this year. The hunger is astounding to us.

We are calling you, too! In fact we need the strengths you carry. Let's once again believe for God's people to be filled with life and for our cities to be shaken by heaven. If Luther and Hus can see it happen, then why can't we? From Charismatics to Catholics, let's move together as a united force from all denominations and bring the power of heaven to Prague, a city in great need.

With a burning heart and many tears over Europe,

Ben Fitzgerald 



Please join in prayer for a mighty work of the Spirit in the city of Prague, the Czech Republic and throughout Europe, bringing His revival and breakthrough so that indeed there may be a “New Reformation”!