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Displaying items by tag: Mormons

Friday, 08 December 2017 12:20

Global: do Mormons know Jesus?

Jesus is the central character in the Christmas story. But 15 million Mormons have a false understanding of Him, believing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three gods. They believe the lie that salvation depends on their works instead of on the work of Jesus Christ; and the Heavenly Father began as a spirit child, came to earth to gain a body, and earned his way to godhood. Many good works are required for Mormons to earn the privilege of living with the Heavenly Father in the next life. One ‘good work’ is temple work for the dead - a person can be saved after they have died when temple works are completed by those still living. Mormonism teaches that man is not born in sin and cannot sin until the age of eight; and Eve’s disobedience was ‘a fall upward, a necessity for eternal progression toward godhood’.

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