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Displaying items by tag: Mizoram

Thursday, 11 April 2024 23:07

India: free movement with Myanmar revoked

Vanlalchaka, who lives in the border village of Zokhawthar, has been assisting refugees fleeing the civil war in neighbouring Myanmar since 2021. His village operates seamlessly with Khawmawi, a village just across the border. However, due to security concerns the Indian government has now decided to scrap the free movement regime with Myanmar – a shattering blow for indigenous communities living on both sides of the border. Vanlalchaka and his wife fear that families will be separated and lose livelihoods dependent on open borders for trade and access to essential commodities. The decision also exacerbates the plight of refugees from Myanmar, many of whom seek medical treatment and refuge in villages like Zokhawthar. The move, ahead of the first stage of the national elections on 19 April, has sparked criticism and resistance from border communities and political leaders.

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