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Displaying items by tag: Michel Barnier

Thursday, 03 December 2020 20:34

Barnier warns Boris over fishing and finance

Michel Barnier has warned Brexit trade talks could be plunged into ‘crisis’ if Boris Johnson puts forward more legislation that calls into question last year's divorce deal. The Brussels diplomat is worried that the Finance Bill will contain clauses that breach the terms of the Northern Ireland protocol. He was infuriated when No 10 tabled legislation that handed ministers the powers to rip up sections of the Withdrawal Agreement relating to Northern Ireland. Mr Barnier made the warning during a video call with EU27 ambassadors. At the time of writing the future UK-EU relationship is still deadlocked because of disagreements over post-Brexit fishing rights and common standards, and Downing Street has yet to decide on a timetable for publishing the Finance Bill. Talks went on late into the evening on 2 December at the business department in central London. See

Published in Europe
Thursday, 09 July 2020 21:29

UK fishing rights in Brexit talks

Post-Brexit access to UK waters for EU fishermen is a major hurdle to a trade deal between the UK and Europe. Michel Barnier had a private dinner with UK’s Brexit negotiator, David Frost, at Downing Street on 8th July. It is believed they discussed UK’s fishing rights over a meal of halibut and asparagus. The meeting comes after it emerged Mr Barnier had told a House of Lords select committee in June that the bloc could water down its stance on fishing if the UK also agrees to compromise. The UK insists British fishing boats have priority as it pushes for a new scientific approach based on how many fish are in domestic waters. If both sides dig their heels in on their positions there will be no discussion on fisheries, and therefore no agreement on trade.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 September 2018 00:28

Brexit: Raab v Barnier

Addressing the European scrutiny committee, Brexit secretary Dominic Raab said, ‘We’re not going to roll over just because there is some traction static on what we think is not just a good deal for the UK; it would be a good deal for the EU equally.’ He warned the EU that failing to match the ‘ambition and energy’ of the British Government in the last phase of Brexit talks could have serious repercussions for the bloc, and the UK would be prepared for a no-deal scenario. He was responding to criticism from Michel Barnier, who reportedly branded Theresa May's Chequers deal as ‘rubbish’ and repeatedly dismissed her proposals. We can continue to pray for God to be the author of every Brexit agreement, asking Him to demolish and destroy every proposal that is made outside his purposes. Pray again for the negotiators and their advisors to have the wisdom of Solomon.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 August 2018 10:45

European Commission statement

After meeting Dominic Raab on 21 August, Michel Barnier outlined things yet to be done: a backstop solution for avoiding a hard border in Ireland; outstanding issues of the Withdrawal Agreement, eg protection of borders; and a political declaration on future relationships. We can pray for the teams now working on these issues to make progress according to God’s timing and strategy. Mr Barnier also said, ‘As you know, we need a legally operational backstop solution in the Withdrawal Agreement. We must find pragmatic solutions, in line with the commitments made by Theresa May in December and March. We must de-dramatise the issue, and spell out which controls are needed, and and how they should be done. Next time we meet, Dominic and I will take stock of this work. The negotiations are now entering the final stage. We have agreed that the EU and the UK will negotiate continuously from now on.’ See also UK article on Brexit key dates.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 12 July 2018 22:40

Brexit must be workable to avoid no deal

As the Government revealed details of its EU withdrawal plans, Brussels has warned Theresa May that the proposals must be workable in order to avoid a no-deal scenario. UK’s new Brexit secretary, Dominic Raab, is insisting the Government white paper sets out exit aims while being practical, respecting the referendum result, and backing business. However, chief Brussels negotiator Michel Barnier said the proposals must conform to EU rules and not create extra costs, and he told business leaders to prepare for a no-deal scenario.

Published in British Isles