Brexit: Raab v Barnier

Written by David Fletcher 07 Sep 2018
Brexit: Raab v Barnier

Addressing the European scrutiny committee, Brexit secretary Dominic Raab said, ‘We’re not going to roll over just because there is some traction static on what we think is not just a good deal for the UK; it would be a good deal for the EU equally.’ He warned the EU that failing to match the ‘ambition and energy’ of the British Government in the last phase of Brexit talks could have serious repercussions for the bloc, and the UK would be prepared for a no-deal scenario. He was responding to criticism from Michel Barnier, who reportedly branded Theresa May's Chequers deal as ‘rubbish’ and repeatedly dismissed her proposals. We can continue to pray for God to be the author of every Brexit agreement, asking Him to demolish and destroy every proposal that is made outside his purposes. Pray again for the negotiators and their advisors to have the wisdom of Solomon.

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