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Displaying items by tag: Martin Hanbury

Thursday, 13 April 2023 21:54

Ofsted unfit for purpose

Dr Martin Hanbury has quit as an Ofsted inspector, saying he felt his role could cause more harm than good. Teachers in the National Education Union are also being urged to refuse to do inspections for England's regulator. But Ofsted said most school leaders found them constructive and collaborative. Last month the Department for Education said inspections were hugely important and a legal requirement. Mr Hanbury told the BBC that regulating schools was important, but the current system was ‘scrutinising’ schools without giving them support. He called the one-word grading system ‘totally unfit for purpose. It's a very simplistic way of describing a really complex system. It's like trying to measure a cloud with a ruler. An inadequate school is very rarely inadequate in everything it does and, equally, an outstanding school is never outstanding in everything it does.’

Published in British Isles