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Displaying items by tag: Mark Zuckerberg

Friday, 18 May 2018 10:54

Facebook: Zuckerberg agrees to EU grilling

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, has agreed to face a grilling from European Union lawmakers over how the data of as many as 2.7 million Europeans could have ended up in the hands of consulting firm Cambridge Analytica. On 16 May, European parliament president Antonio Tajani said that Zuckerberg had accepted the EU institution’s invitation to cross the Atlantic and face lawmakers in person as soon as next week. The meeting will take place in private on 22 May, the assembly’s press service said. Facebook, in an statement, said it accepted the ‘proposal to meet with leaders of the European Parliament and appreciate the opportunity for dialogue, listen to their views, and show the steps we are taking to improve protection of people’s privacy’.

Published in Europe
Saturday, 07 January 2017 03:13

Facebook creator no longer an atheist

Mark Zuckerberg, who founded Facebook, has announced he is no longer an atheist, but in fact sees religion as ‘very important’. Zuckerberg posted a ‘Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah’ message from his family to his followers on Facebook. After he posted the comment, a user asked, ‘But aren't you an atheist?’ In response, the 32-year-old billionaire replied, ‘No. I was raised Jewish and went through a period of questioning things, but now I believe religion is very important.’ When another user asked, ‘But why doesn’t Facebook notify us that it is Jesus’ birthday today?’, Zuckerberg joked, ‘You're not friends with Jesus on Facebook?’ adding a smiling emoji with a halo. Earlier in 2016, he and his wife met Pope Francis to discuss ways in which technology could help the poor.

Published in Praise Reports