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Displaying items by tag: Lord Carey

Friday, 09 June 2023 10:24

Lord Carey wants assisted suicide debate

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey wants the Government to allocate time in Parliament for discussing possible legislation on assisted suicide. Challenging the Church of England's current view, he said it was important to stop people from suffering against their wishes and argued that to do so was ‘profoundly Christian’. In a submission to MPs, he said that helping someone in great suffering to die would be an act of great generosity, kindness and human love. He claimed that legalising assisted suicide would be a reflection of a compassionate society and argued that the likes of Oregon, in the US, where it is already legal, show that it can be done successfully. Anti-euthanasia campaigners use the example of Oregon, the Netherlands, Canada and Belgium as reasons why the UK should not change the law. In 2022 half of people given doctor-assisted suicide in Oregon did so because they feared being a burden on family, friends or caregivers.

Published in British Isles