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Displaying items by tag: Londonderry

Thursday, 18 March 2021 20:14

Northern Ireland: new IRA bomb-making activities

Police investigating the New IRA's bomb-making activities have arrested a 52-year-old man in Londonderry. It follows a search in the Creggan area targeting the dissident republican group's storage of explosive devices and equipment. A detailed forensic examination of a house is also underway. Det Ch Supt Raymond Murray said the man was arrested as part of Operation Ledging and described it as ‘significant’. He said this was a ‘discrete, stand-alone strand’ of a wider investigation - a surveillance-led operation targeting dissident republican activities. He added, ‘The New IRA continues to pose a very real danger, most especially to the communities in the areas where they construct and store their bombs and guns. We have witnessed, on numerous occasions, that they are willing to put the lives of local people at risk in their reckless haste to carry out bombings and shootings.’

Published in British Isles