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Displaying items by tag: Lausanne

Thursday, 24 September 2020 21:05

Pray for the Philippines

The Philippines have a Christian majority, with a population of over 100 million. 8-10 million Filipinos live abroad, working as nurses, engineers, domestic servants, nannies, casual labourers and sailors. Many are enthusiastic and effective witnesses for Christ, often in countries where Christianity is most restricted or persecuted. Some have suffered greatly for their faith. The Philippines struggle against poverty, injustice, corruption, poor infrastructure, unreformed land laws, tropical storms, and heavy-handed government. A rampant drug trade has evoked the murder of thousands, with victims rarely those responsible for drug trading. The government’s ‘war on drugs’ looks like a war on slum-dwellers - where most victims come from. The Church includes vibrant and charismatic grassroots movements devotedly following Jesus and moving in the Spirit. Their problems are those associated with rapid growth: splits, false teachings, personality cults, and widespread poverty. Pray for continued growth of Christian ministries among the urban poor.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 20 September 2019 10:02

Bringing the Gospel to oral learners

If written words meant nothing to you, how would you hear and understand the gospel? 1,961 unengaged and unreached people groups, totalling 5.7 billion people, are oral learners who do not know a single verse of Scripture in their native language. Pray for the mission agencies developing strategies to reach these unreached people with God's word. Pray for churches overseas to engage with these people groups in their area through methods specific to their worldview and culture. Pray for organisations like Wycliffe Bible Translators, who are impacting unreached people groups globally with oral Bible storytelling and audio recordings of Scripture. It is time that all nations, tribes and languages not only hear about Jesus, but also experience him through God’s transforming Word.

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 03 May 2017 04:50

Lausanne Mission Leaders Gathering

Global Prayer Leaders & Prayer Groups, 

Would you kindly pray and share with your key prayer leaders this Prayer Request on behalf of The Lausanne Mission Leaders Gathering. The number of those who will gather has risen to 90+ CEO/Executive Directors. They are acknowledging the need for extraordinary prayer and have asked us to partner in prayer.

Would you join to pray for their gathering that will happen in June 2017*, in just a few weeks.

Phill Butler writes, "I have the opportunity/responsibility of designing/facilitating the process by which these 90+ leaders engage with God, the challenge, with each other, and with a plan for action. It’s a process we’re well into. Many very encouraging things. BUT – We are coming into the final 7-8 weeks – the ‘homestretch’ of this thing and if anything of lasting Kingdom value occurs over these next few weeks – during and after Wittenberg – it will be because of prayer. Will you and your praying friends/network(s) take up this cause? This small team behind the scenes, will be lost without the extra prayer support. And, as always, this comes with my profound thanks for your commitment to Kingdom collaboration and the prayer that’s so essential. Your support over the years has been such a huge encouragement!"

Please pray for these 90+ mission leaders that will gather in June that they will have the unity of the Spirit and a willingness to pray and work together for the future. Pray for Phill Butler and his colleagues that will be helping to facilitate this important gathering that they will be anointed and guided by the Holy Spirit and will know how best to proceed.

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