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Displaying items by tag: Kim Yo Jong

Thursday, 03 September 2020 09:37

North Korea: Briefing

Things in North Korea seem a bit murkier than usual, not that it is ever very clear what is going on up there. 

The latest big questions have to do with Kim Jong-un's health. There are knowledgeable friends of mine who are very sure his health is not good and it stands to reason that his life-style is not a healthy one, yet there are mixed signals and confusing reports. 

A former aid to former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung insists that the leader has been in a coma since March and that the various reports of his activities and photos are all fake.  Some are saying that he is either sharing power with his sister, Kim Yo-jong, as indicated by the South's National Intelligence Agency, or that she is second in command.  However, this is not getting much credence in the South where the government insists that he is still very much in control and active. And, she failed to appear at a recent Politburo meeting. There was serious flooding earlier this month in Unpa County.  Kim Jong-un showed up driving his luxury SUV to survey the damage in a photo that it seems would be very difficult to fake.  He insisted that food supplies be sent to the stricken county for which people express great gratitude--but it's still difficult there.

While things are unclear at the highest levels, the Covid-19 situation is equally as obscure. As we saw last month, Kim Jong-un stated that there was no Covid-19 in the North until a former defector re-defected to the North from the South bringing in the virus, while the South Korean police insist he was virus-free.  Now the authorities have locked down the cities of Samjiyon and Hyesan because a woman crossed the border from China. They have also suspended all trade across the border with China and have halted major building projects all because of the pandemic. The hits on the economy are serious threats to the Leader's position. Prior to the arrival of Typhoon Bavi, Kim Jong-un called for three major crisis meetings about Covid-19, the coming storm and the need to continue restoration work from flooding earlier in the month.

As if all of this is not enough trouble in the North, there was a massive gas explosion in the city of Hyesan that levelled many houses, left a number of people dead and injured more.  It appeared that little, if anything was being done by the authorities in response.

Finally, we continue to be concerned about the civil rights situation in South Korea where the government continues to crack down on North Korean defector and human rights groups as well as continuing its anti-leaflet campaign.  Here is a two part article (Part 1 and Part 2) on Voice of the Martyrs Korea and their efforts to get Bibles into North Korea.  Please pray that the Word of God get into this land that cannot stand for knowledge to enter the country.

Remembering Our Brothers in Prison 

We've been praying for six South Korean missionaries held in the North, Kim Jung-wook, Kim Kuk-gi, Choi Chun-gil, Kim Won-ho, Ham Jin-woo and Ko Hyun-chul.  We are excited to share that a new effort is underway urging that they be repatriated.  You can join the campaign by signing the petition here. There are some young men who are on a pilgrimage to raise awareness of the situation. We continue to pray for Daily NK journalist, Choi Song Min (alias)Here's information on the pastors and others who have been detained and released.  Please remember them in your prayers.

Calling our Nations to Repentance

40 days of worship and prayer from September 1st to October 11th calling Korean Christians to return to their first love and to carry the Gospel into all the world.  Please check out the 40 Days website.

The Fourth River Project, Inc. - www.thefourthriver.org

See our Prayer for Korea article below, prepared by our colleagues at NGI