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Displaying items by tag: Jerome Ocampo

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 17:57

UPRISING GLOBAL 2018 – Indonesia (WYPA)

Members of the IPC Leadership Team joined Pastor Jerome and Mrs Abel Ocampo and the organisers of regional United Prayer Rising events in Jakarta on 23rd and 24th January 2018 for a summit.

The purpose of the meeting was to report back on the recent events and plans for forthcoming gatherings. In particular, the group prayerfully explored the possibility of organizing a Global Uprising event in Jakarta during October 2018. The vision is to see 2,000 Indonesian young people meet up with a further 2,000 youth from the other nations of the world.

Pictured below are all the attendees with Pastor Niko from the Sentul ICC.

A recurring theme during the times of prayer and worship was Isaiah 43: 9-10 - “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” During a visit to the Sentul International Convention Centre Prayer Tower, the leaders had a sense that something extraordinarily new and exciting was about to happen that would blow our minds!

The group of young leaders agreed to form part of an Indonesia Dream Team that would input to the program planning processes for the Global Uprising. The provisional date of October 24-26 and the venue will be confirmed shortly.

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Please pray:

> For protection, wisdom, and for the right doors to continue to open for these young people who have dedicated time, energy and skills to the United Prayer Rising Events.

> For Pastor Andy Tjokro (Jakarta) as he co-ordinates the various planning teams for the Global Uprising.

> For substantial funds to be released to undergird the regional and global events planned for the next few years. (Mal 3:10)

> For the Manilla based team who support and direct the events under the leadership and guidance of Pastor Jerome Ocampo.