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Displaying items by tag: Jacob

Friday, 14 June 2024 13:00

Immigration experience turns into ministry

Jacob, an immigrant from Cameroun, endured a harrowing journey to the United States. Fleeing political persecution, he faced multiple hardships, including beatings and imprisonment in various countries along his route. Despite these challenges, Jacob’s faith remained unshaken. Upon arriving in the USA, he found refuge and support from a church community in Texas. Recognising the hardships faced by immigrants, Jacob decided to turn his painful experiences into a ministry, helping others who are navigating similar struggles. He established a support network providing food, shelter, legal assistance, and spiritual guidance to new immigrants. Jacob believes that God used his trials to prepare him for this mission, and he now sees his journey as a testimony of God’s faithfulness and purpose. His ministry has grown, impacting many lives and offering hope to those in dire circumstances. Jacob's story exemplifies resilience and the power of faith, transforming suffering into a source of strength and service.

Published in Praise Reports