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Displaying items by tag: Israeli Apartheid Week

Friday, 23 February 2018 10:44

Israeli Apartheid Weeks in universities

The 14th annual Israeli Apartheid Week takes place globally between 19 February and 17 April. People will stage various events to raise awareness of what they say is ‘Israel’s apartheid system over the Palestinian people’. Students in UK universities are urged to choose a week between these dates in which to demonstrate. However, staging such events contravenes the International Definition of Antisemitism (IDA) that the UK signed up to. IDA states that describing the existence of the State of Israel as ‘a racist and illegitimate endeavour’ is anti-Semitic. Many fear such events in our universities will not only be anti-Semitic but will impact the next generation’s understanding of Israel. Our nation’s future political leaders, doctors, journalists, teachers, business people, and professionals are being encouraged to demonise the Jewish State. See also

Published in British Isles