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Displaying items by tag: Holocaust denial

Friday, 09 March 2018 09:55

Australia: anti-Semitism

On 15 February anti-Semitic flyers were distributed around Melbourne’s inner west suburbs. The Anti-Defamation Commission said they promoted dangerous stereotypes, conspiracy theories and fear, and was concerned that anti-Semites are ‘redoubling their efforts as never before’. The flyers blamed Jews for everything from mass immigration and overpopulation to ‘making life harder for parents, thus pushing children into childcare centres’. They stated, ‘The Jews are the whole world’s enemy and are pure evil.’ On 4 March, 300 Holocaust denial leaflets were found at the University of Melbourne, claiming Holocaust studies were ‘replete with nonsense, if not sheer fraud’. Jewish and Hebrew studies courses that include language, literature, history, art and politics have been taught at that university since 1946. See also

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