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Displaying items by tag: Harvest

Thursday, 01 August 2019 17:39

Go2020 – Global Outreach Day

Global Outreach Day, is a global missions network that calls the church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the gospel with the unchurched in the Month of May each year! This next year, May 2020, the vision is to mobilize a hundred million people in united prayer for the global harvest! 

Watch the video here:

4 minute full version: https://vimeo.com/342384375  

60 second short version:  https://vimeo.com/344032191

03bWe are calling this initiative Go2020! Already Christians in 250,000 churches and 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfillment of God’s Great Commission. This is not just for the adults, we want to invite the Children and the Youth to be full partners in this initiative! We want to call every One to be a praying, witnessing disciple for Christ!

At the Lausanne International Congress on World Evangelization in 1974, Billy Graham made the mission clear, “The whole church must be mobilized to bring the whole Gospel to the whole world. This is our calling!”  GO2020 could be the catalyst for the fulfillment of this in our lifetime as believers from every nation unify in the clarion call of "Every Believer a Witness".   Imagine ONE Church sharing ONE Message during ONE Month, May 2020. 

And we know this will only happen through United Prayer!  God releases his power through the prayers of his people!  As Dick Eastman says, “The degree to which prayer is mobilized is the degree to which the world will be evangelized!” 

03cWould you be 1 of 100 million in united prayer?  Could you commit to Pray Now and share your faith with 5 others in your circle of influence who don’t know Christ through the month of May? 

We have listed 5 opportunities to begin praying now through the Month of May 2020. The Lord may lead you to commit to just one of these or all five. Pray and ask the Lord how he wants you to be involved!


Our first strategy is to call each one of us to people in our circle of influence (neighbors, co-workers, friends, family members). We want to Pray daily for these people and for opportunities to reach them for Christ’s love.


Pray with two other believers weekly.  Connect through Skype, Zoom, telephone, Facebook, or personally meet. Pray together for God’s Spirit to produce a global and local spiritual awakening and for the salvation of those on each person’s list who don’t know Christ.

#3 24/7 Prayer Mobilization

It is Jesus’ vision that every church in every nation be a house of prayer. It’s our aim to see united 24/7 prayer in cities, regions and nations leading to GO 2020. Help mobilize your city, region or nation to adopt a monthly day of prayer.

03eJoin with World Prays, a prayer network that asks that every church adopt a 12- or 24-hour time one day each month to pray. Members can pray for 30 or 60 minutes from anywhere--home, school, dormitory, workplace, church or with the people in their small group. Through doing so, churches develop a culture and regular rhythm of prayer while providing a prayer “covering” over geographic areas.

Go to www.worldprays.org for more INFO or to sign up,

#4 Prayer for People Groups

Adopt an unreached people group for prayer and mission outreach. There are 4700 people groups on earth that have less than one believer per thousand people. They will remain unreached and cut off from Christ’s Gospel unless churches and prayer groups pave the way by adopting them for regular intercessory prayer. Focused prayer for the unreached is a strategy of the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers and prepare the hearts of these people who otherwise wouldn’t hear the gospel. Provided are resources to help you or your church find a people group to adopt or to guide how to pray for the least reached. You can sign up to adopt and unreached people group at this website! http://joshuaproject.net Also, see:https://inheritthenations.net/

#5 GO 2020 Prayer Gatherings - May 1, 2020

And finally, we want to call families, churches, cities and nations to gather on May 1st of 2020 in united prayer gatherings!  Would you be willing to mobilize your church or your city to join in prayer with believers worldwide on May 1st in your region, asking God for a massive Christ awakening in the nations of the earth?

In the words of the Moravians call to action for both prayer and mission... “May the Lamb who was slain receive the due reward for his suffering.” -Rev. 5:12

Dr. Jason Hubbard

Friday, 22 September 2017 10:51

Friday Focus: harvest - food with friends

Matthew 14:13-21 tells of Jesus feeding five thousand. It’s a stunning picture of God’s unrivalled generosity and provision for us. What does this tell us about His nature? Our God is a God of hospitality who welcomes each of us, an Incarnate God who sits at the table with us and fills us with good things. He makes his dwelling among us.

(Chine McDonald, World Vision UK/ Share a Meal)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 20 January 2017 08:34

Zimbabwe: help for farmers

Last year’s maize crop failure is still proving debilitating: it takes more than a season to fully recover from the ravages of drought. Although the rains arrived on cue in November last year to plant this season’s crops, many farmers had either been forced to eat their seed, or had no harvest from the previous year to eat. Their livestock herds were decimated and the lack of jobs meant families also had no money to purchase their farming inputs, let alone food. Barnabas Fund has provided seed, fertiliser and training so that farmers could plant on time. Hope has returned, but the crisis still simmers and the outcome of the harvest will be critical. A new strain of stalk-borer insect attacking the maize is also a threat. How can farmers survive until the April/May harvest? Barnabas is working closely with local churches to ensure that they are not forgotten or left hungry during this crucial period. Violet, a farmer and mother of five, is appreciative: ‘We want to thank God for providing us with food for our family - our lives have changed. We have seen God’s hand through our brothers.’

Published in Worldwide