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Displaying items by tag: GodTV

Saturday, 21 March 2020 16:21

iHOP – The ‘Call to Prayer’ Series

A valuable opportunity for us to join a daily global prayer gathering this coming week is through International House of Prayer Kansas City.

On Monday, March 23 at 10:00 am CST, in partnership with GodTV, the International House of Prayer in Kansas City will launch a 30-minute intercession and worship set focused around resisting COVID-19 in the spirit, while also asking God for a great wave of healing and revival to sweep the nations.

As always, we are also focused on intercession for Israel. The program will be hosted by Mike Bickle with rotating IHOPKC leaders as co-hosts"

The 30 minute programme will air LIVE at https://god.tv/live-events 

iHOP Kansas will be praying about the virus pandemic across the globe on their live webstream - Monday 23rd March through to Friday 27th March HERE.