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Displaying items by tag: GO21

Download the GO21 Year of the Upper Room - 40 Days Prayer Guide - with a daily focus on a different unreached people group.

The year is divided into 9 seasons of 40 days Prayer, Fasting, Worship and the Word

Acts 1:8 for the lost in our “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria & ends of the earth)

The current Season 5 runs from 13 June – 23 July 2021.  The Theme is '40 Days to Keep the Harvest' - “but gather the wheat into my barn.” Matthew 13:30d

The downloadable / printable prayer guide includes a space to include the names of 5 people that we can pray for and seek the opportunity to share Jesus with.

Download the GO21 Year of the Upper Room - 40 Days Prayer Guide - with a daily focus on an unreached people group.

The year is divided into 9 seasons of 40 days Prayer, Fasting, Worship and the Word.

Praying for the lost in ‘Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria & ends of the earth’. Acts 1:8

The current Season 5 runs from 13 June – 23 July 2021. The Theme is '40 Days to Keep the Harvest' - “but gather the wheat into my barn.” Matthew 13:30.

The downloadable / printable prayer guide includes space to write the names of 5 people that we can commit to pray for and seek the opportunity to share Jesus with.

Friday, 30 October 2020 15:35

Global Outreach in 2021: GO 21!

We have exciting news for you! We will continue reaching people with the Gospel in 2021!

GO 21 is the first step in our efforts to reach the whole world with the Gospel and the kick-off of the GO Decade (2021-2030). After what we have seen with GO 2020, we believe it is possible to reach the whole world by 2030!

We are dedicating the month of May 2021 to prayer and evangelism to reach people with the Gospel. Many denominations and ministries have agreed to be part of GO 21 to mobilize 100 million believers to reach 1 billion people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please help us to get the word out!

We encourage you to share this flyer with the cause of reaching people with the Gospel with your whole network. Please help us to spread the news. Let's stand together to mobilize as many believers as possible.

The main goal of Global Outreach is to train, equip, and mobilize believers to share their faith and develop an evangelistic lifestyle.  This effort can't be accomplished with just one organization. We all know that only together can we achieve this goal.

Download the Info Pack | Download the Flyer

Werner Nachtigal - Global Outreach Day / GO 21 / Go Decade

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