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Displaying items by tag: EU president

Friday, 21 June 2019 11:30

EU: candidate to succeed Juncker

At the time of writing European leaders are trying to agree on a compromise EU leader after political groups failed to unite behind a candidate to replace Jean-Claude Juncker in Europe’s top job. Following the elections in May, nobody has won united support from the four mainstream parties to become president of the EU’s executive arm. Onlookers are calling it a ‘big fight’ between Europe's political groups, leaders, and institutions. Other vacancies to be filled include speaker of the European parliament, which will sit for the first time on 2 July, and foreign policy chief. The final nominees must have the backing of least 21 of the 28 EU leaders and a majority in the 751-member parliament. National leaders want to control the process and allocate the most senior jobs in a way that balances men and women, east and west, small countries and large.

Published in Europe