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Displaying items by tag: Diocese

Friday, 03 March 2017 10:52

English diocese sends urgent funding to Kenya

The Diocese of Chichester is sending an emergency grant of £5,000 to the drought-hit Kenyan diocese of Nakuru. The diocese, in partnership with the Anglican Church of Kenya’s Development Services, will buy and distribute foodstuff and other essential supplies in the worst-hit areas to avert a tragedy. The area is frequently affected by drought and has not received adequate rainfall for two years - leading to death, migration, conflict and inter-tribal wars. The situation worsened last October when they didn’t receive any rain in the short rains season. They are more vulnerable to drought because of heavy reliance on livestock as their source of livelihood. The number of households affected (5,000) increases daily.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 27 January 2017 10:10

Problems for diocese due to Brexit

The C of E’s Diocese in Europe has begun exploring the implications that Britain’s decision to leave the EU might have on British-national clergy deployed to the continent. At present, as members of the EU, British nationals - including clergy - can travel, reside, and work in any of the other 27-member states without requiring visas or work permits. That may change when Britain leaves the EU. There are also questions about whether the reciprocal health-care arrangements for citizens of EU member states will continue to apply to British nationals once the UK completes the withdrawal process. The shape of the implications of Brexit on British citizens in Europe won’t be known until the conclusion of the negotiations on Britain’s new relationship with the EU. But the diocese has begun the process of exploring what the effects might be on its churches and their members across the continent, including a day of talks with Government minister Lord Bridges.

Published in Europe