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Thursday, 14 February 2019 22:01

‘Trans’ policies

Newspapers reported in January that hospitals are allowing male patients to share female wards if they self-identify as women, even if they haven’t had gender reassignment surgery. Dr Nicola Williams of Fair Play for Women said, ‘In an attempt to accommodate a minority, the state is sacrificing the needs of the majority at their most vulnerable.’ Last year the Government ran a consultation on transsexualism, asking whether current safeguards on changing legal sex were necessary. Over 100,000 responded, but how they responded was not published. Recently changes to recording gender data in the Scottish 2021 census were denounced by MSPs. The plan is to change the sex question on the census to include a non-binary option for those who say they are neither male nor female. Another proposal is to allow people to select the gender they identify with, rather than their actual biological sex. See https://www.christian.org.uk/news/plans-to-let-scots-choose-sex-in-2021-scottish-census-seriously-flawed/

Published in British Isles