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Displaying items by tag: Christians arrested

In mid-March, 29 evangelical Christians (17 women and twelve men) were arrested at a house church and taken to Mai Serwa prison camp. Such Christian gatherings have been in homes for twenty years after all churches were closed apart from Eritrean Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Lutheran. Every neighbourhood has a government spy living there observing it and reporting unusual activity to the authorities. Churches have found government spies pretending to be Christians, joining and reporting on congregations. Mai Serwa houses more prisoners than it was built for. They are held in shipping containers holding 20+ detainees. Often prisoners take turns to sleep on bare floors because beds or mattresses are not allowed. The conditions were condemned by Amnesty International in 2020. With overcrowding and lack of adequate sanitation, healthcare, and food, conditions are inhumane; Covid-19 is a major concern. Prisoners' conditions have disastrous consequences on their mental and physical health.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 17 January 2019 21:44

Iran: scores of Christians arrested

‘Please pray for our family in Iran amid a wave of arrests.’ The Iranian church is on high alert after 150+ Christians were detained in just a few weeks at the end of 2018. Most of those detained have now been released after bail was paid. Amir Taleipour and his wife Mahnaz Harati from northeast Iran were arrested in front of their seven-year-old daughter on 6 December. Four days earlier, two sisters, Shima and Shokoofeh Zanganeh, were arrested in their homes in Ahvaz. They were reportedly beaten by security officials, who interrogated them then transferred them to Sepidar Prison. When their family tried to pay the sisters’ bail, they were turned away. Nine more were arrested in Alborz province. Thank God that the church in Iran is reportedly growing. Some analysts interpret the recent crackdown as an attempt to intimidate people interested in Christianity. Pray for Christians to stand firm in their faith.

Published in Worldwide