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Displaying items by tag: Christianity growth

Iran (MNN) — Tensions surround Iran’s current political affairs, and a spirit of fear grips people on the streets. Muhammed*, the leader of a Persian house church, says many Iranians live in constant trepidation.

“Iranians are glued to their TVs or their mobile phones, waiting for the next news update… waiting for Tomahawk missiles to rain down,” Muhammed says.“They don’t know what’s going to happen. People are really under a lot of weight and a lot of stress… pray that they don’t get so distracted that they lose sight of God.”

Headlines are “prayer prompts” - Scroll through ‘world news’ on your smartphone and you’ll likely see at least one headline focused on Iran. For example, Iranian authorities warn they’ll have to break the limits set by a 2015 nuclear deal in fewer than 10 days, BBC News reports. This development comes on the heels of multiple tanker attacks in key shipping lanes near Iran.

Over the weekend, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo how the United States would respond to Iranian aggression. While underscoring the administration’s desire to avoid war, Pompeo stated, “We’re going to guarantee freedom of navigation throughout the Strait [of Hormuz] …[the] United States [will take] all actions necessary, diplomatic and otherwise, that achieve that outcome.”

Headlines like these point to a larger spiritual reality. “I want people to be excited that we’re seeing the biggest revival happening in the Middle East since the Islamic conquest,” Muhammed says.“When they watch the news, they probably will see the name of Iran at least once a day. Well, that would be an awesome reminder to pray for the believers inside of Iran because God is doing something very special.”

What’s God doing in Iran?

Muhammed also urges caution when analyzing mainstream news reports about Iran. It’s not “a crazy, radical country,” he says. “That would be probably five-to-ten percent of the population. 90% of the population doesn’t believe in Islam but they believe in God still.

“It’s a beautiful time inside of Iran.”

Christ appears often to Iranians in dreams and visions, Muhammed says, and the “secret Church” is growing as Muslims come to faith in Jesus. “Iran is the fastest growing church in the world right now, faster than China…

“We have this ‘extra moment’ [when] the Gospel can move so powerfully, but the enemy, of course, isn’t going to let that happen. He’s like a roaring lion, looking for a way to slow this down… through political issues, the economic issues, through social issues.”

These spiritual realities make your prayers essential. Muhammed points to Daniel 10 as an example – “through [Daniel’s] prayer and fasting, he (the angel) conquers the Prince of Persia and gets the message [to Daniel] that God has sent him.”

Praise God for the mighty ways He’s moving in the Muslim world.

Ask Him to strengthen and encourage believers in Iran.

Use this Prayercast video to pray specifically for Iran, or use the “Love Muslims” series to pray strategically for the Muslim world.

“The biggest thing that people outside of Iran can do is pray for us.”

By Katey Hearth

More at: https://www.mnnonline.org/news/the-real-story-in-iran-isnt-political-its-spiritual/?ct=t(MNN_Daily_E_news_Blast4_8_2015

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:32

Declaring His Greatness

God is advancing His Kingdom in Turkey, despite last year’s attempted coup and the president’s cruel retribution on his people. Christian media are reporting more and more Turks having vivid dreams of Jesus. Christian prayer groups are springing up, people watch Christ preached on the Internet and respond. New Christians are evangelising openly to friends on the Internet. May God give protection, wisdom and boldness to the new converts living in dangerous areas.

Published in Praise Reports