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Displaying items by tag: Chancellor

Friday, 10 March 2017 11:13

The Budget: the main points

On Wednesday Philip Hammond delivered his first Budget as Chancellor. He said that the Treasury's priority was ‘making sure that our economy is resilient and that we’ve got reserves in the tank’ as the Government prepares to begin Brexit negotiations. Some of the key points were: - extra money for new free schools in England, which could include grammar schools - significant spending on social care - £5m fund to mark next year's centenary of women first getting the vote - cash to alleviate the impact of increased business rates on firms - £500m support for electric vehicles, robotics and artificial intelligence. The decision which has attracted the most criticism is an increase in national insurance contributions by self-employed people. The debate goes on, and the media discussions will help Christians to digest and intercede wisely in the coming days. In the midst of change and challenge, we can pray for the United Kingdom to step into a new level of governing that is led by God’s Holy Spirit at every level.

Published in British Isles