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Displaying items by tag: Car Bomb

Thursday, 13 June 2019 21:29

IRA admits trying to kill police officer

The New IRA claimed responsibility for a sophisticated high-powered bomb under the car of a police officer, who was lucky to escape with his life. The attempted attack, at a Belfast golf course, was the first carried out by the New IRA since journalist Lyra McKee was shot dead in April. The bomb contained a mercury tilt switch; any sudden movement triggers an explosion. The device would have exploded if it was not for the level terrain the car had travelled on. An IRA statement read, ‘We were unlucky this time but we only have to be lucky once’. Two cars linked to the bomb attack were set on fire in Belfast the following day. One of the vehicles had Dublin number plates. The conflict in Northern Ireland, which has killed thousands, has political and religious roots that are centuries old. Pray for God to remove ancient spiritual stubble and roots that are still producing hatred in the land (Malachi 4:1).

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 July 2017 15:35

Iraqi pastor’s miraculous escape

In 2010, an Iraqi pastor miraculously survived a car bomb. 'Every part of my car was destroyed except for my seat. I had no scratches. The car was in flames, but I wasn't burned. I found pieces of glass in my hair and four parts of the bomb in the scarf I had around my neck. As if a scarf could stop a bomb. Nothing touched me, I lost not even a drop of blood.' The pastor knows it was God who allowed him to survive, and he believes God did so because He still had work for him to do. 'God gave me additional time. He put his stamp on my ministry, He said 'Go on.' God encouraged me that day.'Pastor Joseph now witnesses to many Muslims who are turning to Christ despite the threats they face. 'We have new blood, born-again new believers.'

Published in Praise Reports
Saturday, 07 January 2017 02:50

Syrian car bomb kills at least 11

A car bomb attack has killed at least 11 civilians in Jableh, a government-held coastal town. Thirty-five others were also injured by the blast in a commercial area crowded with people near the municipal stadium, a news agency said.  There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bombing. Last May, 45 people died in the town in attacks claimed by IS that targeted President Bashar al-Assad's minority Alawite sect. Footage from the scene of Thursday's attack broadcast by state television showed charred, mangled cars, damage to shops, and pools of blood on the road. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, put the death toll at 15.  See also:

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