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Displaying items by tag: Believers Respond To Persecution

Friday, 02 June 2023 13:10

Niger: Believers respond to persecution

In the city of Maradi, a growing number of Fulani men and women are encountering Jesus, but it’s enraging Fulani Muslims, who use different tactics to persecute Christians. In response, Open Doors local partners ran persecution survival training for 120 new believers. ‘Thanks to this training, my eyes are opened to how to respond to persecution,’ says Lydia. ‘I now understand that these are the footsteps that Jesus Christ left for all those who believe in Him. Persecution is inevitable, but we must stand strong, and we should pray for our persecutors.’ ‘I am blessed with the Word of God; I have strategies to overcome the persecution,’ adds Zeinabou. ‘I never knew anything about persecution response, but now my eyes are open - I am more than victorious, I must overcome persecution because Jesus is with me, and He will never let me down.’

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