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Displaying items by tag: Assisted Dying Bill

Friday, 15 October 2021 10:20

Assisted dying bill

On 22 October the House of Lords will debate and possibly vote on the Assisted Dying Bill. It aims to legalise assisted suicide for terminally ill adults with six months or less to live. The media report that Boris Johnson opposes the legislation after carefully reviewing the arguments for and against a law change. Health secretary Sajid Javid is understood to have made clear he does not intend to vote to relax the law. This news will be welcomed by opponents of assisted suicide who feared a move towards cabinet support for changing the law. In the last year former health secretary Matt Hancock and former justice secretary David Gauke both endorsed assisted suicide. Parliament has debated this issue on several occasions, but there has been no change. Pray for the bill to continue to remain unchanged. See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 September 2021 04:42

September vote to legalise assisted dying

Legalising physician-assisted suicide could make the 'right to die' into a 'duty to die' for the most vulnerable. The following are ways to pray for end of life care. Ask God to provide necessary finances, staff and volunteers to the hundreds of UK hospices that offer individual holistic care for people approaching the end of life within a peaceful, compassionate atmosphere. Pray for the God of peace to equip nurses, doctors and all caring for terminally ill patients with everything good for doing His will. Remember vulnerable people who fear about the future and ask God to watch over anyone who is alone, uncared for, neglected or abused. Shine Your light into their lives and send Your saving grace and peace. As political and public pressure mounts, ask God to raise up respected medical experts to campaign against permitting assisted suicide and persuade the professional Colleges to maintain their stance against it. For more prayer points click ‘more’.

Published in British Isles