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Displaying items by tag: Article 50

Friday, 31 March 2017 11:10

EU and Brexit: heads of state

Over the next two years heads of state will be informally discussing and formally negotiating Brexit now that Article 50 has been triggered. ‘The preparations of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits.’ (Pr. 16:1-2) May the EU heads of state be guarded and led by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May all discussions be in His perfect will. Pray particularly for Theresa May to be blessed and anointed by God. May His face shine upon her continually, may He be gracious to her and uphold her in His mighty hands, giving her peace and confidence in the coming months and years.

Published in Europe
Friday, 03 February 2017 09:23

PM’s vision for UK’s future

In a keenly-awaited white paper, Brexit secretary David Davis today set out the Government’s negotiating strategy for the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. Launching the 77-page document in a statement to the House of Commons, Mr Davis said the paper confirmed the Prime Minister’s vision of ‘an independent and truly global United Kingdom’. Confirming that the UK’s strategy would be guided by the twelve principles set out by Mrs May in her Lancaster House speech last month, Mr Davis said the Government was aiming for ‘a new, positive and constructive partnership between Britain and the European Union that works in our mutual interest’. The white paper was published a day after MPs voted overwhelmingly to permit Mrs May to press ahead with starting withdrawal negotiations under Article 50 of the EU treaties.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 27 January 2017 10:21

Brexit: results of Supreme Court’s decision

On Tuesday the Supreme Court gave the responsibility for Brexit back to Parliament. The consequences of that ruling are making themselves felt, the most important being the bill on triggering Article 50 that the Government published yesterday. Yet the bill is not the very first fruit of the court’s constitutionally unanswerable decision. Until she stood up at Prime Minister’s questions on Wednesday, Theresa May was also insisting there would be no white paper on Brexit goals either. Yet, faced with a newly empowered House of Commons, Mrs May has been forced into a U-turn on that refusal too. Within 48 hours, the Government has been compelled to take Parliament more seriously. Mrs May changed her mind because of parliamentary numbers. This Government has a working majority of only sixteen: if the main opposition parties can find common cause with pro-remain Conservative MPs, that majority is threatened. Note: Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland now have no formal power of veto over withdrawal.

Published in British Isles