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Displaying items by tag: Akane

Thursday, 01 August 2024 22:37

Japan on cusp of revival, ex-atheist says

Atheist businesswoman Akane Fujimoto had achieved success in her career and personal life, but she felt a deep sense of emptiness. As a nominal Buddhist, she decided to pray to the God her mother had embraced a decade earlier: 'If you exist, if you love me, if you have a purpose for my life, please reveal yourself to me.' 'I felt God hugging me deeply,' she said. 'I repented for the first time and couldn’t stop weeping. Everything I was searching for was found in God’s love.' Now she is passionate about bringing revival to Japan, a nation often considered resistant to the gospel. Despite these challenges, she remains optimistic. 'I heard sharing the gospel is hard in Japan, but it’s actually quite fun’, she says. 'Material comforts can't compare to the fullness of Christ.' She believes Japan's resistance - rooted in pride, social pressure, competitiveness, and suspicion - can be overcome through genuine relationships and sharing the pure gospel. She experienced a personal breakthrough when she forgave her father and led him to Christ. 'For the first time, I saw him weeping like a child’, she recalls. 'The Holy Spirit told me it was time.' Now he attends church, and Akane is confident that revival is unfolding in Japan.

Published in Praise Reports