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Displaying items by tag: 2020 Year of Prayer

Friday, 06 September 2019 10:20

HOPE's 2020 prayer initiative

HOPE Together don’t do politics, but they do pray- and prayer for our country is a priority right now. In particular, they are looking ahead to 2020 and what many believe will be an unprecedented year of harvest from the gospel seeds sown over the past decade and more. Many denominations and ministries across the UK are also sensing this and preparing for opportunities to invite people to respond to Jesus’ offer of life in all its fullness. With this in mind HOPE together are launching 2020 as a year of covering prayer for all that is done in the year - personal witness; church outreach plans in villages, towns and cities; stadium events - evangelism in all its many forms. They are inviting believers to join them in praying for 20 minutes at 20:20hrs (8.20pm) on the 20th of each month throughout 2020. There will be twelve suggested themes to focus on - asking God to heal our land.

Published in British Isles