Australia: removing Christian school chaplains

Written by David Fletcher 14 Nov 2019
Australia: removing Christian school chaplains

The Australian Christian Lobby has been asking Christians to make their voices heard, as the Labour government plans to ban public schools from employing a school chaplain from January 2020. For almost two decades, students enrolled in a public school who sought advice and counsel have been able to receive help from a chaplain with religious and spiritual capabilities. The education minister explained the move by saying, ‘All we’re doing is taking the religion out of it’. But banning school chaplains is a ban on spiritual support for children. The government has decided that faith does not matter to children, and that relevant questions cannot be answered for students of faith. Depression and anxiety in youth are the highest in a very long time, so this is not the time to ban chaplains.

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  • Pray: for many to sign petitions and contact their MPs to ensure that children can continue to obtain counsel from a chaplain. (Psalm 34:11)