Colombia / Venezuela: crisis

Written by David Fletcher 07 Mar 2019
Colombia / Venezuela: crisis

Colombian charities and churches are delivering food and basic supplies to families in Cucuta, a border town in crisis. Poverty, lack of services, and lack of medical attention is driving families to knock on church doors. Church members are hosting displaced families. The strain is noticeable. As this situation continues to unfold they are asking people to pray for the injured and homeless. Meanwhile Venezuela expelled the German ambassador for helping opposition leader Juan Guaidó’s safe return to the country. Many other diplomats were at the airport to receive him, but so far only the German ambassador has been targeted. Germany, which recognises Mr Guaidó as interim president, said the expulsion will escalate tensions. The US is revoking visas of people linked to President Maduro to put more pressure on him to resign. More rallies on the streets against Maduro are due on Saturday. The next few days are critical. See

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