Pray for church growth

Written by David Fletcher 16 Feb 2023
Pray for church growth

‘History is made by the people of God, and as we move into this new season may they walk in divine dominion, ruling over their emotions, thoughts and words, so that in every circumstance they will flourish, under every pressure; they will be courageous, and in every victory they will honour God. We can pray for Him to birth a people who will move, not by might nor by power but by His Spirit - irrespective of age, irrespective of colour, irrespective of ethnicity. As they reconnect with the covenant call given to Abraham, ‘all the peoples of the earth will be blessed through them.’ Pray for the gospel of Jesus to be spoken with clarity, and that the demonstration of Kingdom power which is revealed will turn many to Jesus. May more people experience the power of God’s transforming love that releases God-given purposes for their lives.’

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