Hope for the countryside

Written by David Fletcher 04 Oct 2019
Hope for the countryside

‘If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?’ (Psalm 11:3) Beneath the turmoil and conflict in nation and church is a crumbling of the biblical foundations that have supported both through many centuries. As we teeter on the edge of an abyss, pray that believers will be able to see beyond the news and understand the time from the Lord’s perspective. Pray that He will call out a faithful remnant characterised by radical discipleship, loving fellowship, and humble service. Pray for rural believers to understand their calling to light beacons of prayer and make places of sanctuary. Britain’s green and pleasant land has a dark side which is getting darker. While overall crime rates are falling, drug crime is increasing in small towns and villages. According to NFU Mutual, rural crime hit a seven-year high in 2018, with farmers bearing the brunt. Pray to the Father to deliver us from evil, and for His peace to reign in the countryside.

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