Egypt: a miraculous healing

Written by David Fletcher 05 Jul 2019
Egypt: a miraculous healing

13-year-old Rosaline was in the late stages of kidney failure, but her symptoms were misdiagnosed as food poisoning. Eventually, her doctors discovered that she had acute and permanent kidney failure and would have to be on dialysis all her life. After receiving regular five-hour dialysis treatments her symptoms worsened. The doctors didn’t expect her to survive. But her Christian faith remained steadfast. ‘My mum cried but I told her not to, because God’s timing is right’, Rosaline said. ‘I had faith in the Lord that He would heal me’. Her Sunday school teacher, Mariam, phoned Christian broadcasting station SAT-7 to ask for prayer for Rosaline. She prayed with the audience and production team live on the programme. Within a week, Rosaline’s kidneys were performing normally. Everyone was amazed at the miracle. ‘God is the greatest physician.’ said her father.

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