Iran: Death threats and death sentence

Written by Super User 07 Oct 2011

Eleven Iranian Christians who fled Iran in the wake of a government campaign against evangelical Christianity received death threats via email from a group called ‘the unknown soldiers of the Hidden Imam’ (the Messiah-figure in Shia Twelver theology). Christian Solidarity Worldwide says the e-mail calls on the believers to either repent or face extra-judicial execution. The ‘unknown soldiers’ are alleged to have links with Iranian security services. The emails warned that although they managed to flee Iran they are not hidden from the ‘cute eyes of the unknown soldiers’ - who claim they have been advancing to the heart of the ‘Zionist regime’ over a number of years. Meanwhile, the written verdict of the most recent trial of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is still being awaited. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the fate of the pastor may now lie in the hands of the local religious leader, Ayatollah Ghorbani.

Pray: for God's continued protection over Iranian Christians and for the global media support of Pastor Youcef to secure his release. (Ps.16:1)


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