Albania: prayer needs

Written by David Fletcher 20 Oct 2017
Albania: prayer needs

In this Islamic country, only 0.4% of Albanians are evangelical Christians; 14.3% live below the poverty line, and there are over 8,000 refugees. We can praise God for the relatively good sense of unity and peace among people of different religious faiths, and the Church continues to grow. Many claim that concentrated intercession is responsible for Albania’s openness to ministry. May a prayer movement be raised up within the country, to pray for all the region. Pray that unsaved members of Christians’ families will come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. There are three complete translations of the Bible in Albanian: one literal, one paraphrased, and one Catholic. Pray for widespread use of the Scriptures.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for translation of useful Christian books and literature and for their impact on people groups. Pray also for Christian broadcasting that brings growth of faith to Albanians. (Numbers 24:4b)