Germany: politicians’ prayer breakfast

Written by David Fletcher 07 Apr 2017
Germany: politicians’ prayer breakfast

This year Germany will have elections at the national and local state level. There is one decisive factor that we can pray into. It is the preamble of the Federal Constitution (referred to as the Basic Law of the German Federal Republic), which reads as follows, ‘In awareness of their responsibility to God and man, the German people have drawn up for themselves this constitution.’ Such a reference to ‘God’ by political leaders is very unusual in Europe. It originated in 1949, after the Nazi period. The Germans know what happens when politicians take responsibility for their work only ‘before man’. Also, once a month members of parliament from a cross-section of all parties meet at a prayer breakfast before the start of the parliamentary sitting. In this place of prayer they always have the example of the person Jesus of Nazareth before them. May Germany’s politicians powerfully meet Jesus in these meetings.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for many members of parliament to be elected to follow the example of Jesus. (Mt. 7:24, 25)