Displaying items by tag: Testimony

Friday, 12 August 2022 11:09

From vengeance to forgiveness

‘People may ask, ‘How is it possible for an Afghan man to become a Christian?’’’ Homayoun, who was once bent on violence and vengeance, is now a pastor. He shared his testimony on SAT-7 PARS live programme Signal, in the hope that God will use his story of transformation to touch the lives and hearts of viewers facing enormous challenges in Afghanistan and Iran today. ‘I grew up in Afghanistan and come from a Muslim background. As I got older, I always had God on my mind, I prayed five times a day and read the Quran. I wanted to know God and I wanted to know the truth, but I never found peace and tranquillity. Eventually I joined the army. I wanted to fight Daesh, the Taliban, or anyone really. But it didn’t work out. God didn’t want me to kill anyone.’ Read Homayoun’s testimony here

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 July 2022 10:26

Life without Jesus is death

A UK mission worker says, ‘I had the joy of personally attending our outreach event in L attended by over 1,000 people! L is a nation in crisis politically and economically. What a blessing to share worship music and the Good News with the hurting people of this nation. Our local team member, a pastor himself, brought a powerful message. Then a sixty-year-old man who received Christ one year ago shared his testimony, telling the crowd, ‘Life without Jesus is death.’ Hundreds of people raised their hands indicating they had accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and asked for prayer. Praise God!’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 15 July 2022 10:24

Satanic leader converts to Christianity

When Riaan Swiegelaar, co-founder of the South African Satanic Church, told a Christian radio interviewer he'd never been shown unconditional love, she came and hugged him. He said he’d never had anyone do that and didn’t know a Christian could accept him unconditionally. After interviews affirming that satanism is growing, he did a ritual by himself to see what was the next step. ‘How do I get more power and influence? I opened myself up, and Jesus appeared. I was extremely cocky and said, “If You are Jesus, prove it”. He flooded me with the most beautiful love and energy, and I recognised it immediately because of what the lady at the radio station did for me.’ As a baby Christian, Swiegelaar says he isn't sure what's next for him, but he knows he will continue to learn more about Jesus and grow in his love.

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Thursday, 02 September 2021 23:07

David Suchet: total faith in Jesus

Agatha Christie’s detective Hercule Poirot was played by David Suchet who, in 13 series, made the part very much his own. Coming from a Jewish/Christian background he was agnostic until he was in the bath thinking about the afterlife and resurrection. His thoughts puzzled him, so he decided to investigate further by purchasing a New Testament. He was fascinated by the Roman Empire and started reading the book of Romans. Much was not understood until a passage spoke of a way of life he’d been searching for through most of his adult life - a coherent philosophy he could relate to. He said, ‘The Christian worldview is love.’ He added that his Christianity has stood him in good stead in his profession and private life: ‘I wouldn’t claim for a moment I’ve always succeeded in following the way of love. But I know what’s right and wrong. God is in control and knows what’s going on.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 12 November 2020 21:27

She tried to commit suicide several times

At the Global Outreach Day, Christian felt that there was someone in the audience who had attempted suicide in the last couple of weeks. Using the microphone, he shared this word of knowledge and some other words of encouragement. A woman who was part of the outreach team then gave her testimony publicly for the first time. After the testimony, a young woman approached the ministry team and shared private details about her life. She said she had been raped several times in her life as a child and had already tried suicide several times: the last time was six days earlier. After the team shared the Gospel with her, she experienced the presence of Jesus and gave her life to him. She felt a wind blow on her back, not understanding what was going on. The team explained this could be the Holy Spirit who wanted to reveal himself and to touch her life. She said she will not attempt suicide again.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 23 July 2020 22:06

Mariam: rescued by Jesus

Mariam was abused as a young girl. As a teen, she took twelve pills a day to treat her depression. She was an atheist, believing that no god would allow her to suffer so much. The betrayal by her father and abuse by another man left Mariam hating men. Without hope, she tried suicide five times. But Jesus rescued Mariam! To listen to the amazing story of how she experienced Christ’s presence in wonderful ways and how he led her in a ministry to Muslim women and girls, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports

Hi! my name is Hadassah Lawson and I’m the founder of Shaking and Shining Children Outreach. I started when I was 8 and now I’m 13. What inspired me was a vacation bible school I went to in the summer of 2015. I saw children get saved and wanted to do the same thing, share the gospel with children around the world.

That same year me and my family were going to Togo, West Africa.  I asked my mom to how fast, then I fasted and prayed for three days that God would bring me at least 100 kids to share the gospel with them, and that they would share with their families and friends. At the end of the program I had over 250 children. After that I knew that I wanted to be a mission for the rest of my life. For the past 5 years I have been sharing the Good News with children around the world and also meeting their basic humanitarian and educational needs. 

06bI thank the Go2020 Kids Team for allowing me to be a part of this movement. What I love about being part of Go2020 Kids is knowing that what I do will leave an imprint for Christ, by inspiring kids to give their lives to Jesus and to share the gospel to others like them. My passion is to share the gospel with kids. I love seeing the joy people get when they hear it for the first time, the hope and courage the gospel can give a person is AMAZING! Being part of a group like Go2020 Kids lets me see the wonders that can be done with Christ by your side. I hope that I can continue working with groups like them and bring more souls to the kingdom of heaven. 

I also like adults to see how to get children involved in the work of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 2:17  said: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. The bible did not say that he poured out His Spirit on adults, it said on ALL FLESH; part of that flesh are children. I would like to encourage parents and grandparents to help your kids know that they will prophesy and have visions, that they are also part of advancing the kingdom of Christ.  

06cChallenge: Now that we're in May 2020, I want to challenge all the adults to have their kids memorize one scripture a week but, just don’t make them memorize the scripture - make it fun. You might be wondering how? So this is how we are going to do it. Each child has Monday to Friday to remember the scripture of the week. On Saturday, or Sunday (whichever you prefer) you talk about the scripture he or she is memorizing, and how he or she is using it in their life that week. After that he or she can make a poem, drawing, printing, story, play, whatever fun activity they want out of that scripture. They can share the activity or art with someone else and how they are using that scripture in their lives. And finally they can challenge others to do the same and use a scripture of their choice and share that with others. I hope you have fun with this new challenge.

Have fun and stay safe.


Watch Hadassah’s Testimony Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQA6YUStuWs
More about Shaking & Shining Children Outreach:

Friday, 13 December 2019 09:26

‘When we’re weak he comforts us’

A Christian footballer has expressed how his family is leaning on God following the recent death of his two-year-old daughter. Benik Afobe has spoken publicly in the wake of Amora's death on 29 November due to complications from a severe infection. ‘We trust in our Lord Jesus Christ and when we're weak he comforts us. He will protect the family and give us strength always’, he said. ‘We want to bounce back and show people that even when we are grieving we can make a comeback and be strong and never need to quit in anything you want to do or become.’ In an initial statement,the 26-year-old Congo international admitted he and his family had been left ‘totally devastated and heartbroken’. In the past he has been vocal about his faith on Instagram. May God continue to support the family in the coming weeks.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 20 September 2019 10:54

Drugs to devotion - life turned around

She attended church but didn’t know what it meant to seek God. She smoked weed on Friday and sang in the choir on Sunday, without thinking she did anything wrong. After graduation she went for drinks with a man and was date-raped. She reported it to the police, but was told there was not enough evidence. ‘I was depressed and drove down the road thinking, I could run into this tree and people won’t think it was suicide.’ Fortunately, she didn’t do it. A few weeks later she shared her troubles with a friend who told her that Christ could heal her heart. ‘When he talked sincerely about his life and relationship with God, I felt my eyes open, I started crying. I got it. I’d been wrong.’ She rededicated herself to Christ, and her life has turned around.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 14 December 2018 10:28

Rapper’s 'sabbatical' to study the Bible

US artist Chance the Rapper has revealed he is taking a ‘sabbatical’ to ‘learn the word of God’. He said he made the decision in order to set a good example to his newborn nephew. In an Instagram post liked by over 1.3 million people, the I'm the One hit maker said, ‘I'm on a plane headed out of the country on my first sabbatical. I'm going away to learn the Word of God, which I am admittedly very unfamiliar with. I've been brought up by my family to know Christ, but I haven't taken it upon myself to really just take a couple of days and read my Bible. We all quote scripture and tell each other what God likes and doesn't like, but how much time do we spend as followers of Jesus to really just read and KNOW his Word?’ Earlier this year he won three Grammy awards, and when accepting one of them he said, ‘Glory be to God. I claim this victory in the name of the Lord.’

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