Displaying items by tag: Religion

Friday, 12 May 2017 10:59

Archbishop’s tour of Israel

Justin Welby had a 'profound sense of grief and sorrow' after listening to Palestinian Christians’ testimonies of living with a concrete separation wall near Bethlehem. He said, 'You cannot come and hear the testimonies I heard, you cannot hear from the people who live here, without your heart becoming heavier and heavier, more and more burdened, with that sense of people whose history has led them to a place where all they have known is disintegrating.' He also commented on Donald Trump’s possible role when it comes to bringing peace between Israel and the Palestinians. He said, 'We know from history in this region that determined leadership by the president of the USA, together with patient working by lots of other people in the background, often unknown, can tip things very, very decisively - it has done so in the past.' See also:

Published in British Isles
Friday, 12 May 2017 10:47

Germany: prayer and mission conference

A conference for prayer and mission leaders from across Europe is happening right now (4 to 14 May) in Herrnhut. They are evaluating the current position of mission to the unreached peoples of Europe and praying strategic, informed prophetic prayers for breakthrough. Pray for even more anointing of prophetic sensitivity on these leaders in the last few days of the conference. Pray for a mighty move of His Church moving forward with the gospel as a result of this event. May the prayers of God’s people pave the way for the gospel to be preached, with power and miracles following, in every European language and dialect. Pray for all the networking and connections that have happened through the course of this conference to be acted on with Holy Spirit anointing. It is crucial that these delegates connect more deeply and purposefully. May fruitful networking birth new initiatives this week through closer linking of the prayer and mission movements.

Published in Europe
Friday, 12 May 2017 10:44

Canopy of prayer: Poland

An intercessor writes: ‘Since the 1989 fall of communism, Poland has experienced unprecedented growth and prosperity. For example, during the 2008-2014 economic crisis, a time of turbulence for the world economy, Poland’s GNP (Gross National Product) grew by 25%. The prime minister during that period was Donald Tusk, now president of the European Council. Since the change of power the situation now needs much prayer. People now running the country have already destroyed the constitutional court, public media, and integral parts of our educational system, to mention just a few. We are heading towards a big crisis both economically and politically, potentially with some serious social unrest.’

Published in Europe
Friday, 12 May 2017 10:42

Canopy of prayer: Spain

An intercessor writes: ‘The way that people can pray and support us in Spain is by expressing interest in our 365 Prayer Initiative, and praying for it. This is the 9th year of the churches in Spain praying day and night in a coordinated way. We are working to strengthen the stakes of our tent, and we appreciate every prayer and word of encouragement that we can get. We feel that if the Church is praying, the political and social issues will all fall into place. So please pray for this army of prayer warriors in Spain, and for us as we lead it. The rate of unemployment is 22%; among the young people under 25 years the rate is over 45%. Our GNP is at 3.2%, higher than the average in Europe. Nevertheless, the economy of Spain is in a gradual growth.’

Published in Europe

Muslims are our neighbours, and Jesus said, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Matt. 22:39) Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting to bring the faithful closer to God and to remind them of the suffering of those less fortunate. Over the last few years Christians have been praying for Muslims to meet Jesus during their search for a closer relationship to God; and we are now hearing encouraging stories about unprecedented numbers of Muslims coming to the Lord during Ramadan. Each year a new illustrated prayer guide is published in a number of languages and locations around the world. Pray and ask God to use you, your prayer group, and your church in this year’s 30 Days Muslim Prayer Focus.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 12 May 2017 10:23

Maldives: rising extremism

Behind the facade of a ‘tropical paradise’ are tragic realities: the highest divorce rate in the world, rising crime, widespread child abuse, pervasive drug use and over 200 young people joining IS.  All citizens are required to be Muslim. There are no churches, and there is no official access to God’s Word.  The Gospel of Luke and Acts are currently available in Dhivehi, but are not permitted to enter the country. No mission work or Christian literature has ever been legally allowed within the islands. Widespread traditional beliefs in spirits combined with Islam leave many almost entirely untouched by the Gospel, trapped in fear and without access to Jesus. Pray for miraculous opportunities for Maldivians to hear the Gospel, and that the government's attempts to silence it may instead raise up a Maldivian church.

Published in Worldwide

Rev Gavin Ashenden, one of 33 chaplains to the Queen, had become involved in a controversy because he openly criticised the reading of the Qu’ran in an Epiphany church service in which Muslims took part. During the service, which celebrated the wise men’s visit to Bethlehem and their acknowledgment of Jesus being God in human form, passages from the Qu’ran were read in Arabic stating that Jesus was not the Son of God. Rev Ashenden said he needed to resign from his post to avoid any misunderstanding that his statements were said on behalf of the Queen. He added, ‘I think it a higher and more compelling duty to speak out on behalf of the faith than to retain a public honour which precludes me doing so at this time.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 05 May 2017 11:13

A Government without God

Stephen Green of Christian Voice recently wrote, ‘Our leaders try to run things in their own wisdom. Even though our Queen was anointed to reign under the authority of God in the Name of Jesus Christ and given the Holy Bible as “the rule for the whole life and government of Christian princes,” her ministers have passed law after law in opposition to the will of God.’ Good laws might not make men good, but they can restrain the wicked, and bad laws encourage evil. We must pray for our Government as never before, and pray that God will raise up men like John Knox and John Wesley in Britain today to call the nation to repentance. Pray for our nation and its people to turn from the belief that mankind knows best and to trust in God again. Pray for Christians in Parliament and all who are led by God’s Spirit in positions of authority to be strong in His power.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 05 May 2017 11:08

Ashers refuses again to make a gay cake

Northern Ireland bakery Ashers has refused to make an engagement cake with a same-sex marriage slogan for a man and his partner. Joe Palmer, who is to wed long-term love Andy Wong this summer, says he’s hurt by the refusal to bake the cake ordered. This has happened just weeks after a landmark Court of Appeal ruling against Ashers, a bakery run by the McArthurs, a Christian family. The ruling was that Ashers had discriminated against a customer due to his sexuality when they refused his order for a cake with a pro-gay marriage motto. This time a friend, Grainne McCann, ordered and paid for the cake online, only to have the order rejected the next day. The wording requested for the cake was ‘Gay marriage rocks! Happy engagement Andy and Joe! Lots of love xxx’. Grainne said, ‘The cake was refused because it celebrated gay marriage.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 05 May 2017 11:02

Europe and Islam

Historian David Engels predicts that Europe faces the fate of the ancient Roman Republic - a civil war. Some are now saying, ‘Jihadists seem to be leading an assault against freedom and secular democracies.’ Mainstream media are asking if Europe fears Muslims more than the USA does. We can pray against fears occupying the collective imagination of Europeans. A survey of 10,000+ Europeans from ten different countries revealed increasing public opposition to Muslim immigration, with 55% agreeing that all further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped. Islamists take culture and history more seriously than Westerners. In Paris, an Egyptian terrorist attempted to deface artwork in the Louvre because ‘it is a powerful symbol of French culture’. We can pray for every aspect of Godly heritage rooted deep in European culture to be revived not reviled.

Published in Europe