Displaying items by tag: Health

Fred Parry attributes twenty years of sobriety to a rehab clinic, saying recovering from alcoholism was the best thing that ever happened to him. He is now a cellist, a music teacher, a husband and father. When his son Adam began battling addiction, Fred sent him to the same clinic to recover. He did for a short time, but Fred could not afford further rehab. Adam didn’t present like an alcoholic; he was well-spoken, intelligent, often reading three books at a time. But he was tortured and couldn't find a way out. Addiction took over when he started studying chemistry at University. He dropped out and was hospitalised six times for alcohol-related seizures. Fred was told by a doctor, ‘There's nothing you can do for an alcoholic, just lock them up and throw the key away’ Adam died after another seizure. He was 32. Mr Parry wants the Scottish government to improve access to addiction treatment services, including residential rehab.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 April 2022 23:52

Deadly outbreak of children’s hepatitis

Officials said a lack of exposure to common infections during young children’s ‘formative’ years, owing to pandemic measures, may be fuelling a global outbreak of hepatitis, the deadly liver disease. A total of 114 cases of ‘acute hepatitis of unknown origin’ have been reported in Britain since the first spate of cases was detected in Scotland less than four weeks ago. Health officials said they had detected as many cases in the past three months as they would normally expect to see in a year; the vast majority of cases involved children aged five and under. Experts have previously raised concerns about the long-term impact of lockdown on children's education and physical and mental health. However, this is the most serious potential health complication to have emerged so far. Liver experts said these cases may be the ‘tip of the iceberg’, as some symptoms could be missed.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 April 2022 22:44

Ethiopia: ‘let’s die at home’

Ayder Referral Hospital, Tigray’s main hospital, is now turning away sick people they can no longer treat. They have run out of supplies, casting doubt on the government’s claim to have opened the war-torn Ethiopian region to humanitarian aid. 200 patients, including babies with meningitis and tuberculosis and a 14-year-old boy with HIV, have been turned away. Two cancer patients waiting for operations were turned away due to no cancer drugs. These needy people are suffering from widespread famine and the ravages of a brutal 17-month war. Officials said they could only accommodate patients with food or money. A paediatric ward nurse said ten patients left when there was no more food: they said, ‘Pray for us; instead of dying here let’s go home and die there.’ 

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 28 April 2022 22:41

DRC: new Ebola outbreak

On 23 April WHO reported an outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). A patient aged 31 began experiencing symptoms on 5 April. He was sick for over a week before going to a local health facility. On 21 April he was admitted to an Ebola treatment centre but died that day. Recognising the symptoms, health workers submitted samples to test for Ebola. Now there are investigations to determine the source of the outbreak. The disease has had a two-week head start and medics are playing catch-up. The positive news is that the health authorities have more experience than anyone else in the world at controlling Ebola outbreaks quickly. By 27 April everyone had been inoculated in the province’s capital city, and over 230 Ebola contacts had been identified and monitored. Three vaccination teams will soon reach those at highest risk. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 15 April 2022 04:41

Valneva Covid vaccine approved in UK

A new Covid vaccine has been approved for use in the UK by regulators. It is manufactured by Valneva, using more traditional technology - similar to how polio and flu shots are made. It contains a whole copy of the virus which has been inactivated, so that it can't cause the disease but does teach the body how to fight it. The UK was due to receive 100 million doses of the jab, but the government cancelled the deal in September due to a ‘breach of obligations’. As with the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines, it is designed to be given as two doses. The Commission on Human Medicines said, ‘We have advised that the benefit risk balance is positive. The vaccine is approved for people aged 18 to 50 years, with the first and second doses to be taken 28 days apart.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 31 March 2022 22:30

NHS maternity scandal

The police are investigating 600 cases of maternity care in a probe of hospital failings pointing to hundreds of baby deaths. Sajid Javid revealed the scope of the police inquiry during a Commons statement on Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust on 30 March. Mistakes at its hospitals led to babies being stillborn, dying after birth, or being left badly brain damaged. West Mercia police are investigating whether there was evidence to support a criminal case against the trust or any individuals involved. They have been talking to medical experts and prosecutors. The inquiry remains active, but no arrests have been made. The review, led by senior midwife Donna Ockenden, examined 1,600 incidents amid parents' fears over safety spanning the years 2000 to 2019, and concluded that catastrophic failures and repeated mistakes may have led to the deaths of nine mothers and 200+ babies and left other infants with major injuries.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 31 March 2022 22:19

Covid infections climb by a million in a week

Covid cases in the UK climbed by a million in the week ending 19 March: just under 4.3 million, up from 3.3 million the week before. Rates were up in England and Wales, and Scotland reached a new high of one in 11 Scots having Covid. Infections have started decreasing in Northern Ireland. A high number of infections means hospitalisations rising, although vaccines are still helping to stop many severe cases, said experts. Most of the remaining Covid restrictions in the UK come to an end on 3 April, with a few rules remaining for now in Wales and Scotland until 1 May. After that, people with symptoms will just be advised to stay at home until they feel better, Physical test sites will close, and contact tracing will end. See also

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 10 March 2022 20:31

Africa: Pfizer to supply anti-Covid pills

The war in Ukraine has taken a lot of attention away from Covid, which is unfortunate because the pandemic has now killed almost six million people. There are countries where vaccination rates are still very low; this includes most African countries, where people should not be complacent as the virus still poses a grave risk. Africa’s top public health agency has signed a memorandum of understanding with Pfizer to bring supplies of the pharmaceutical firm’s Paxlovid antiviral pills to the continent. Also Moderna will build its first facility in Rwanda to sell, package, and distribute Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccines.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 24 February 2022 21:04

No need to self-isolate in England

All Covid restrictions have been removed in England. People are no longer legally required to self-isolate if they test positive for Covid - although they are still advised to do so. NHS England bosses have written to healthcare staff to say if they test positive, they should not attend work until they have had two negative lateral flow tests taken 24 hours apart, and at least five days after the positive result. Free testing will continue until 1 April - both PCR tests for people with symptoms and lateral flow tests for those without. Pray for people at risk to have quick and easy access to testing and medical help if needed after 1 April. Pray for the government to reconsider free testing for key workers, including NHS staff. The changes are part of the prime minister's Living with Covid plan, to ‘transition back to normality’. Mr Johnson wants a vaccine-led approach. 

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 03 February 2022 21:15

Hope for the countryside

A recent report concluded that 36% of farming people in England and Wales were 'probably or possibly depressed', 52% 'experienced pain and discomfort', 25% had 'mobility problems', and 58% of women in the sector said they 'experienced mild, moderate or severe anxiety'. The most common sources of stress were regulations, compliance and inspection, Covid, unpredictable weather, and loss of subsidies. In response the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution has launched two new mental-health support and counselling services. Pray for all agencies and individuals who are providing farming people with practical and moral support. Also, rural CofE churches report that ‘clergy and congregations are increasingly pessimistic about the long-term future of their churches’. Leadership was seen as a critical issue. However, through Covid, it seems the Lord has ‘sifted’ His church: some have fallen away, but others have drawn closer to Him.

Published in British Isles