Prayers that anchor your hope in God

Written by Super User 31 Jan 2019
Prayers that anchor your hope in God

God is relentlessly pursuing His purpose to gather back to Himself a family from all the peoples on the face of the earth. He will not fail to fulfill all that He has spoken in scripture. In these days of uncertainty, I want to encourage you to pray with unwavering hope that our Lord will bring forth all He has promised.

We don’t always know what is coming, but we do know who is coming. The prayers in Seek God for the City are focused on Christ fulfilling the Father’s global purpose in local settings. Seek God for the City helps people pray in the beauty and authority of biblical promises of Christ bringing His life to our communities in the power of the gospel.

Now is the time to order the booklets at the same low prices as previous years. A Spanish translation will be off press within days. Unite your praying with Spanish-praying people of your congregation or Spanish-speaking churches in your community. Download the children’s version at no cost from our website.

I’m thrilled with the new app. The Seek God 2019 app is now available from iTunes or Google Play for your smartphone or device for only $0.99. This app links to the awesome Prayercast videos and puts the rich info of Operation World at your fingertips.

Check out our website for these and other great tools and resources.

I urge you to join me, and many thousands of others, as we seek God for the transformation and blessing of our cities. The prayers of Seek God for the City begin in early March. Order today to be sure you get all the books you will need to equip the people you are leading.

“Rejoice in hope! Endure in troubled times! Be persistent in prayer!” (Romans 12:12)

Gladly in His grace,

Steve Hawthorne - WayMakers