Teaching on Prayer

Teaching on Prayer

This document lists a scripture, proclaimation, prayer, blessing and something practical to do today for eight blessings.
This document outlines who we are as Christians, what we can do, our authority, the armour we have available to us, what Jesus did on the cross, knowing whose battle it is and more.
"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective" (James 5:16) This document outlines individual pray-ers for the reader's encouragement.

Take Five

07 Nov 2013
A prayer - care - share lifestyle. This document outlines a simple, effective strategy that all Christians can use to reach out to friends, family, colleagues and neighbours.
This document contains ideas about praying the news, intercession and spiritual warfare and also transforming your world through prayer.
Sometimes it feels like our prayers just bounce of the ceiling and are not breaking through. This document lists a few things which might be causing a problem.
We may pray for someone to be saved, but once they give their lives to God, they are mostly forgotten and noone continues to pray for them. This document outlines how to continue intercessing purposefully for each young convert.
God teaches us in scripture that there are certain things that are of utmost importance for intercession. The guidelines in this document will be helpful to develop a dynamic prayer life.
“When the Church learns the power of prayer…they will shake the world.” – R.A. TorreyIn Old Testament Israel, the high priest would venture into the Holy of Holies to confess the sins of his people. In the New Testament, this privilege of priesthood has been extended to all believers through Jesus.
This document outlines the effects of confessing the corporate sins of the nation and the way God can work through this.
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