Displaying items by tag: USA

Friday, 14 December 2018 09:53

Geopolitics of 5G

Although Donald Trump and President Xi recently announced a trade agreement between the US and China, some believe 5G mobile networks might yet spark a further ‘trade war’. These mobile data networks will be rolled out commercially over the next decade, preparing the way for driverless cars and smart cities. Some say 5G technology, 100 times faster than today’s connections, could be a bigger leap forward than the original internet, and countries using it successfully will dominate 21st-century trade and commerce. Whoever builds and controls the new networks will take on huge political and economic importance. The US now wants to stop Chinese technology companies from taking a lead in this field. China is racing to gain a head start in these new technologies, and views 5G as potentially the key to 21st-century superpower status. See also UK article 3.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 06 December 2018 23:45

Mexico/USA: faith leaders to take action

On 10 December over two hundred faith leaders from different traditions will converge on the US-Mexico border in support of the migrant caravans and all those who seek refuge in the US. The event, organised by a Quaker organisation which has worked with migrants and refugees for over a hundred years, will begin a nation-wide week of mass action called Love Knows No Borders, between Human Rights Day (10 December) and International Migrants’ Day (18 December). Participants are calling on the US government to end the detention and deportation of immigrants, respect the human right to migrate, and end the militarisation of border communities. A volunteer helping the migrants said, ‘I met a Mexican family so scared for their lives that they took the next bus out of town, leaving everything else behind.’ The majority of people were fleeing violence or wanting to earn enough to care for their children. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 06 December 2018 23:27

USA: Trump criticised over Saudi arms sales

Politicians are challenging Donald Trump’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. Senator Elizabeth Warren said that the president has refused to halt weapons sales because he is more interested in appeasing US defence contractors than in holding the Saudis accountable for Jamal Khashoggi’s murder or for thousands of Yemeni civilians killed by those weapons. Senator Bernie Sanders is equally critical of Trump’s relationship with the Saudis, citing it as an example of his liking of foreign dictators. The Senate voted 63-37 to run with Sanders’ resolution to force Trump to end US support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen. That same day, it emerged that Riyadh had confirmed a $15 billion deal with defence contractor Lockheed Martin for a missile defence system. One observer said Trump’s determination to preserve Saudi arms sales was an example of the ‘stranglehold of defence contractors on our military policy’.

Published in Worldwide
Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:39

USA - Awaken the Dawn

On September 27-29, coinciding with the Feast of Tabernacles, ‘tent city’ gatherings of worship, music, prayer, and gospel proclamation were held simultaneously in hundreds of locations throughout the USA. Every state capital city, over 100 college and university campuses, plus Washington D.C, Puerto Rico and Jerusalem all participated in Tent America. We are convinced that our nation will never be the same again.

God is truly raising up a family that is carrying His culture, a culture that

will redesign our nation through the presence of God!

We are beyond grateful for all God has done in and through His beautiful people during Tent America, and we deeply desire to honor each and every one of you.

Awaken The Dawn would not be what is is -- without YOU.

Friends, your endless prayers, financial support, sacrificial laboring, vision casting, mobilizing and perpetual encouragement has moved His heart -- and the hearts of many.

Since Tent America, we've heard from multiple nations desiring to link arms!

The centrality of the presence of God is a revelation that is needed not only in our nation but in all nations!

Your 'yes' is producing much fruit!

After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: "Give thanks to the LORD, for his love endures forever."

A quick update on testimonies:

We are currently in the process of organizing and cataloging both written and recorded testimonies.

Here are just a few of many: 

50 hours of worship at over 150 sites all over the nation. Such an honor to partner with Awaken The Dawn to host our NC capital gathering. Hundreds of worshipers and intercessors rallied from across our state for an amazing weekend. We prayed in unity for revival in our state and nation. Our hearts were bonded in love and divine connections. Hundreds heard the Gospel on the streets of downtown Raleigh along with multiple physical healings. We all encountered God's presence and will never be the same!!! Jesus is worthy!' - Matthew Lilley

We had 75 people hit the streets of Tallahassee tonight and share of the love of Jesus. At 25 people gave their hearts to the Lord and people where healed and set free! A team from Celebration Baptist prayer walked the streets and prayed for the ending of human trafficking. Tent America has been so awesome!

- Awaken The Dawn Florida

'We had seventy total workers that went out during our three Tent America outreaches. Five people put their faith in Jesus for the first time!! Dozens of believers who had backslidden prayed a prayer of repentance. Around 350 people heard the Gospel!  There were multiple physical healings - pain was instantaneously leaving people's bodies! One person's injured foot was healed. They felt heat on their foot as God was touching them. The heat was so intense that the person's shoe even got hot. God was moving miraculously! We are thanking God that a bluegrass festival was happening in downtown Raleigh the same weekend, which provided us hundreds of people on the streets to whom we could minister.  May every seed that was sown bear fruit!'

- Awaken The Dawn North Carolina

So, again... Thank you for your heart for Jesus- and for your willingness to link arms with us in this hour. 

YOU are greatly, greatly valued.

We believe 2019, 2020 and beyond will be just as historic as Kingdom family continues to form, impart, and unashamedly demonstrate the beauty and worth of Jesus. 

More updates will be coming your way in the week’s ahead, as we seek the Lord together in our next steps.  Our goal is simply to hear His heart for His people, and obey! As we do so, your patience, feedback, and continued prayers are very much appreciated. 

Looking forward to the miraculous things that God is going to do in this nation, and in the nations.

Testimonies? Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Questions? Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

For the worth of Jesus,

Awaken the Dawn

Friday, 23 November 2018 00:00

Rain will hamper California search efforts

California firefighters say rains will aid efforts to contain the wildfires, but will also turn ash on the ground into a thick sludge. Workers will struggle in the mud, and there could be land and mudslides, officials warn. The wildfires have so far claimed a total of at least 80 lives. The fire in northern California, which has destroyed at least 10,500 homes in the town of Paradise, with nearly 1,000 people still unaccounted for, is unlikely to be fully contained before the end of November. Sheriff Kory Honea said it was possible that the full death toll in Paradise may never be known.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 16 November 2018 00:18

USA: fires in California - Paradise lost

Crews battling a deadly wildfire in northern California have managed to hold their containment lines, the state fire service says. They have contained 30% of the fire, stretching over 125,000 acres, but do not expect to complete the process till the end of November. The official death toll in the state currently stands at 59, with another 130 not yet accounted for. In the ruined town of Paradise, forensics teams are continuing to search for human remains. Many victims in the town are believed to have been elderly residents or people with mobility issues who would have found evacuation more difficult. President Donald Trump has paid tribute to the emergency crews' ‘incredible courage in the face of danger’. He added, ‘We mourn the lives of those lost, and we pray for the victims.’


Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 08 November 2018 23:11

USA: Trump and midterm elections

The Democrats took control of the US House of Representatives in the midterm elections on 6 November, dealing a blow to President Donald Trump. A Democratic majority will restrict his ability to steer his programme through Congress. However, the Republicans strengthened their grip on the Senate. The elections were seen as a referendum on a polarising president, even though he is not up for re-election till 2020. The Democrats could now launch investigations into Mr Trump's administration and business affairs; they could also block his legislative plans, notably his signature promise to build a wall along the border with Mexico. On 7 November, Trump fired his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, with whom he has been at loggerheads for over a year over the inquiry into possible Russian meddling in the 2016 election. The move was not unexpected, but nevertheless drew heavy criticism. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 08 November 2018 22:57

USA: another shooting tragedy

Twelve people, including a police officer, were killed on 7 November at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California. When the shooting began at 23:20 local time, at least 200 people were enjoying a country music night at the Borderline Bar and Grill. David Long, an ex-Marine suffering from PTSD, entered the bar and opened fire. He may have also used smoke grenades. People reportedly escaped by using chairs to break windows, while others sheltered inside the toilets. The local sheriff described the scene inside the bar as ‘horrific’ and said there was ‘blood everywhere’. Long ended the bloodbath by turning his gun on himself. His motive for the attack is currently unknown.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 November 2018 23:53

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting: ‘love, not hate’

2,500 people attended a vigil at a memorial hall and 1,500 stood outside in the rain, listening to loudspeakers, the day after an anti-Semite murdered eleven people and injured six in their place of worship on 27 October, their Shabbat. ‘We need love, not hate’, said the CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. The Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Michael Curry, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and others stood by the Bishop of Pittsburgh whose response to the shooting was, ‘This terror is added to the heap of such crimes we have witnessed in the past. Yet our hope is not dimmed. “Behold, I set before you this day, life and death, blessing and curse: therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live’’ (Deuteronomy 30:19).’ See

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 31 October 2018 13:17

USA Mid-term Elections November 6th 2018

Please join in praying that the crucial U.S. elections next week will bring to power those who have strong Christian values and “bring down the wicked” as the psalmist prayed. Lawless, leftist, socialist groups want to reshape the country into a totalitarian state to become part of a globalist New World Order that diminishes national sovereignty and human freedoms. Surveys reveal that about half of the Millennial generation, who are largely ignorant of history and political science, now believe in socialism even though that form of government has never resulted in any good for the nations that have tried it. Venezuela is a recent example of a once prosperous land that has been brought down to poverty and despotism by that delusion.

In this battle between Americanism and socialism, pray that the American people, especially the Christians, large numbers of which do not even vote, will not succumb to such deception, and rise up to vote for their Christian values. May the Leftist/socialist forces, often financially supported by George Soros (called “the most wicked man in the world”), be decisively defeated at the polls and may America’s traditional values that come from the U.S. Constitution and the Bible be reaffirmed and upheld for the blessing of the coming generations.

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