Displaying items by tag: USA

The USA, South Korea, and Japan are proposing a new multinational panel outside the UN to enforce sanctions against North Korea. Russia rejected renewing the UN panel which has monitored sanctions for fifteen years, and China abstained. The new panel, with support from allies like Australia and New Zealand, would aim to continue the UN’s work. Though lacking UN endorsement, it could monitor North Korea more effectively, and could also oversee human rights resolutions on North Korea. US ambassador Thomas-Greenfield is discussing options with South Korea and Japan. Noting that Moscow and Beijing have called for easing sanctions to restart diplomacy and ease humanitarian suffering in the impoverished nation, he urged them to reverse course, and stop rewarding North Korea's bad behaviour.

Published in Worldwide

The USA may need to reassess its relationships with African nations as it faces a potential shortage of critical minerals essential for weapon manufacturing. This comes as it and its allies provide arms to conflict zones like Ukraine and Israel. In both cases, these include advanced missile systems which rely on critical minerals found in Africa. These include cobalt, sourced from the Democratic Republic of Congo, antimony from South Africa, and graphite (found in many countries). A study group has warned that a shortage of these minerals could hinder military capability and national security, impacting the arms race with China. In its policy towards Africa, the US has shown renewed interest in the DRC and Zambia through the rebuilding of the Lobito Corridor, a rail and road network which will link the two countries to Angola and straight to the Atlantic Ocean.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 18 April 2024 21:22

USA: Trump on trial, could face many witnesses

On 15 April Donald Trump became the first former president ever to face a criminal trial. He is accused of falsifying business records related to hush money payments to actress Stormy Daniels (who claims that he had sex with her) before the 2016 election. Prosecutors allege Trump reimbursed his lawyer, Michael Cohen, for the payments and falsely labelled it as a legal fee. Trump pleaded not guilty and called the case a ‘witch hunt.’ New York judge Juan Merchan has named over forty potential witnesses, including many former associates, including Cohen and Rudy Giuliani, as well as Trump's family members and former employees. Merchan has also warned Trump of potential jail time for disrupting or refusing to attend the trial without a valid reason. In jury selection, many potential jurors are being ruled out because they could not be impartial.  What is not clear is whether this trial will influence the result of November’s presidential election: see

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Unite US, led by Tonya Prewett, is spearheading a wave of student baptisms at public universities, beginning with Auburn University and expanding to three other universities, each witnessing hundreds of baptisms. The movement, fuelled by Prewett's vision to address student struggles, saw about 5,000 students at its first event with 200 baptisms. Emphasising follow-up, Unite US collects contact details of baptised students for spiritual support through local churches and ministries. Many participants report transformative experiences, including overcoming depression and addiction. Keynote speakers like Jonathan Pokluda note a rising revival among college students, seeking a deeper, daily faith beyond routine church visits. This revival trend, mirroring the spontaneous Asbury Revival, signifies a profound shift towards personal faith and active community engagement among university students.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 April 2024 23:50

From prison to Jesus' mission of second chances

‘Arrested at 8 and abandoned as a child, I turned to crime, leading to an eleven-year sentence at 19. In prison, my cellmate, a devout Christian, introduced me to the Gospel. Eventually, I accepted Jesus, and my faith grew, especially in solitary confinement. Post-release, I faced many hurdles common to the 1.9 million incarcerated in the USA, with over 450,000 re-entering society annually. They have to grapple with problems like finding employment and housing. After my release at 26, I worked minimum-wage jobs, pursued education, and obtained a master's in professional counselling. Now with Prison Fellowship, I long for the redemption of the incarcerated. Despite the stigma and legal barriers hindering re-entry, support and resources are crucial for successful reintegration. Churches and organisations can play a vital role, as they did in my life, offering practical and spiritual support. My journey reflects the transformative potential of faith and community in offering a second chance to those who have been in prison.’

Published in Praise Reports

In Arizona, Republican lawmakers faced a backlash as they swiftly shut down discussion on repealing a 1864 law banning abortion without exceptions, causing uproar. The state supreme court decided on 10 April to enforce the law: some Democrats have warned of potential fatalities if this extreme ban remains in place.  Abortion providers have vowed to continue services until forced to stop. Anti-abortion groups have hailed the decision, but abortion rights advocates have gathered over 50,000 signatures - far above what they need to add a ballot question asking voters to approve a constitutional amendment protecting the right to abortion until viability, when a foetus could survive outside the womb. This could be a key issue in November’s presidential election: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 April 2024 22:58

USA: pastor and wife mourn their daughter

Prominent American pastor Ed Young and his wife Lisa have opened up about the recent tragic loss of their 34-year-old daughter, LeeBeth. LeeBeth battled loneliness, depression, and alcoholism following a tumultuous breakup a few years ago. Despite efforts at rehabilitation, her struggles persisted, exacerbated by pandemic-induced isolation. One night, she expressed a desire to live and improve; but she suffered a fatal seizure while her father was nearby. Despite desperate attempts to save her, she was pronounced brain dead upon arrival at the hospital. In their grief, the Youngs have found solace in faith, focusing on the good times they had with her.

Published in Worldwide

'Revival on the Border,' led by Pastor Tony Suarez, surpassed its target, drawing about 9,000 people to Christian revival events in El Paso and McAllen, Texas. Initially aiming for 5,000 attendees, these late March gatherings included prayer, tent meetings, and nearly 70 baptisms. The nightly events were unexpectedly peaceful, and Border Patrol agents actively participated, requesting prayers. A 'prayer army' ministered across the US border, distributing Bibles and prayers. Impressed by the faith of the agents, Suarez's team found a tranquil atmosphere, contrary to national headlines. He plans to continue this expansive evangelical initiative. See

Published in Praise Reports

The UK and the USA have embarked on a landmark partnership for AI safety testing, with technology secretary Michelle Donelan formalising the collaboration. This will align the efforts of both nations' AI safety institutes to test and evaluate emerging AI models. Key elements include sharing scientific strategies, exchanging experts, and conducting joint AI model testing exercises. The move follows commitments made at last November's AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park, where major firms like OpenAI and Google DeepMind agreed to voluntary testing of new models by safety institutes. The Department for Science, confirming the immediate start of this partnership, has stressed its role in addressing the rapid development and potential risks of AI. The Government has also announced a £100 million investment for AI regulation and safe usage, opting to use existing regulators for AI monitoring rather than creating a new central body.

Published in British Isles

'The Blind,' a film detailing 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson's journey from alcohol addiction to redemption, has profoundly influenced thousands, his daughter-in-law Korie Robertson reports. The film explores Phil's tumultuous life, marked by anger, addiction, and instability, until his transformative surrender to Jesus. Its raw honesty showcases the Robertson family's struggles and triumphs, emphasising God's steadfast faithfulness. The impact has been significant, with many viewers experiencing spiritual awakenings, overcoming personal demons, and mending relationships. Numerous baptisms have taken place, some in the river behind Phil's home, a testament to his ongoing dedication to faith. Through many challenges, the family has remained steadfast in their Christian beliefs, drawing strength from their faith and community. Committed to promoting adoption and foster care, Korie and her daughter Sadie will speak at The Chosen conference, reflecting their dedication to family and faith.

Published in Praise Reports