Displaying items by tag: Education

Thursday, 12 March 2020 20:55

Global: reaching 130 million girls not at school

Julia Gillard, former Australian prime minister, chairs the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), and is campaigning for the rights of girls to stay in education. Boris Johnson has called for every girl to be guaranteed twelve years of good quality education. In his party's election manifesto he repeated his support for girls' education globally. There are 130 million girls completely missing out on school. The UK government has been among the biggest backers, giving almost £1bn in 15 years. In Ethiopia there are projects to protect girls from sexual harassment as they go to school or college. Ms Gillard says that getting girls to stay in school is the ‘keystone’ for wider economic improvement. Many girls are married off at a young age or kept at home to work (freeing up an adult to go and earn an income for the family). Despite decades of world leaders’ promises, millions have never started school.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 09 January 2020 23:31

Transforming Lives for Good

TLG is a Christian charity that helps churches to bring hope and a future for struggling children. From school exclusion, to poverty and holiday hunger, there are children across the UK facing some of the toughest starts in life. TLG believes change is possible through early intervention: one coach per child, one hour a week, for children struggling in school because of bullying, bereavement, family breakdown, poverty, or being in the care system. These all have a huge impact on a child's education. Some children may be struggling with a lack of confidence, have no positive role models, or just need an adult to talk to. TLG Early Intervention gives the church a practical solution to support children, families and schools in their community. The programme enables trained volunteers to become coaches and work on a one-to-one basis with a child, improving their behaviour and in turn raising their levels of learning. 

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 05 December 2019 23:25

Teenage morality

The relationships and sex education teaching in this country is lacking. The level of STDs amongst teenagers is at epidemic level, with the highest rate of infections amongst the 15-24 age group. We have the highest teenage pregnancy and abortion rates in western Europe, and a 4,500% increase in the number of children seeking gender reassignment treatment over the last few years. 80% are girls. Research published this year by YouGov states 16% of UK teenagers now identify as bisexual. In 2015 the number was 2%. Stonewall said it is great to see the increase in numbers since 2015, adding, ‘There’s still a lot to be done’. These statistics are the result of policies once designed to ‘protect’ children. Yet now, statements by the DfE and even its recently reissued FAQs show that the overriding aim is not protection, but the promotion and normalisation of LGBT behaviours and lifestyle choices.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 November 2019 22:17

Ex-trans regrets operation

A Christian man is calling for more caution from medical and mental health services after undergoing irreversible gender reassignment surgery. His story represents a stark warning to parents, government, and medical and educational services, at a time when figures released by the NHS reveal a 2,500% increase in referrals to gender identity clinics over the past decade. After an appointment with a psychiatrist, despite having suicidal thoughts and mental health issues on his medical records, he was automatically put on a waiting list for gender identity clinic with ‘no underlying medical conditions’. The NHS paid for the operation, which he now deeply regrets, saying, ‘When I see and hear of books such as “10,000 Dresses” being read to schoolchildren, I see the same influence that led me to this harmful addiction. More must be done to protect our children, not to encourage them to pursue the same destructive path that I did.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 November 2019 22:03

Australia: removing Christian school chaplains

The Australian Christian Lobby has been asking Christians to make their voices heard, as the Labour government plans to ban public schools from employing a school chaplain from January 2020. For almost two decades, students enrolled in a public school who sought advice and counsel have been able to receive help from a chaplain with religious and spiritual capabilities. The education minister explained the move by saying, ‘All we’re doing is taking the religion out of it’. But banning school chaplains is a ban on spiritual support for children. The government has decided that faith does not matter to children, and that relevant questions cannot be answered for students of faith. Depression and anxiety in youth are the highest in a very long time, so this is not the time to ban chaplains.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 25 October 2019 10:01

Pupils with severe needs

The Bishop of Coventry has asked the Government what funds are available for pupils with severe needs but who are not on the Special Educational Needs (SEN) register, citing nine-year-olds threatening suicide due to homelessness and domestic violence. Mainstream schools are under pressure to educate children who do not meet SEN thresholds but have severe needs and require acute support. Sufficient government funding is not available for them. Meanwhile a document has been published with 38 conclusions and recommendations about supporting people with SEN, including finance being released to enable local authorities to discharge their duties sufficiently and not changing the law to fit resources. Pray that the departments for education and health and social care develop mutually beneficial options for cost- and burden-sharing. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 25 October 2019 09:56

Racist incidents in universities

A government equality watchdog reports that universities are failing to address thousands of racist incidents, and that iInstitutions are ‘in denial’ about the scale of the problem. 25% of minority ethnic students had experienced racial harassment since the start of their course. Black students reported the highest rate of racial harassment, while 9% of white British students experienced anti-English, anti-Welsh, or anti-Scottish sentiments. 180,000 students across the UK experienced racial harassment in the first six months of their academic year. Findings showed universities were ‘out of touch with the extent that racism occurs, and some are completely oblivious to the issue’. Two-thirds of students and over half of staff did not report racial harassment to their university, often because they had no confidence that it would be addressed or they were fearful of reprisals. Pray for improved handling of complaints, ensuring investigations are led by staff trained in understanding racial harassment.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 17 October 2019 22:19

LGBT teaching row continues

About 70 schools have experienced resistance from parents on relationships education. The Department of Education has published a document stating that councils could enforce action if pupils are withdrawn from school when parents disagree with teaching material. It also suggests that, if demonstrators are outside school gates, head teachers could liaise with police. Teachers who read the document told of their frustration at not being consulted beforehand. They feel unsupported to tackle a sensitive situation. New relationship education is planned for all primary pupils from September 2020. Meanwhile Maureen Griffith, a Christian school governor, was suspended after questioning LGBT reading material. She became concerned that parents had not been properly consulted about plans for reading lists tying in with LGBTQ+ Pride Month, to be introduced for the next school year. Parents believe that whoever influences what children think, and teaches values to live by, controls the future direction of our society. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:42

Children told: ‘over 100 gender identities’

A BBC teaching video states that there are 100, if not more, gender identities as well as male and female. Among the ‘trusted adult’ speakers is transgender activist Leo Lardie, and the 9- to 11- year- olds appear uncomfortable as she talks about her genitals. She says that people who criticise transgenderism ‘don’t know any better yet’. A gay head teacher tells the youngsters they should not just accept differences between people but ‘celebrate them’. Finally, the children are threatened into conforming by being told that ‘people can go to prison if it is shown they’re disrespecting or being hateful to people because of a difference that person perceives’. Coalition for Marriage said, ‘These claims are nonsensical. The video series is supposed to help teachers deal with sensitive subjects in age-appropriate and honest ways. It does neither.’ Meanwhile a Christian mother is mobilising parents against LGBT lessons.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:39

Schools - religious education laws

A study by religious education teachers has reported more schools failing to meet UK legal requirements around religious education provision. 40% of community schools without a religious character failed to meet requirements to provide RE, up from 34% last year. 50% of academy schools with a religious character skipped RE provision for ages 14 to 16. UK state schools are required to provide RE lessons to everyone, regardless of whether they have chosen the subject for GCSE. However, 64% of age 14-15 and 59% of age 13-14 had received no RE at Key Stage 4. Many schools were getting away with making no RE provision because of ‘failing’ accountability structures. In some schools where RE was provided, parents took steps to remove their children from the lessons. 80% of schools did not plan to make GCSE RE short course entries in the 2018/19 academic year.

Published in British Isles