Thy Kingdom Come Featured

Written by Natasha Ruddock 04 May 2018
Thy Kingdom Come

On Ascension Day, May 10th, millions of Christians around the world will start a 10- day season of worship and prayer based on Acts 1 and 2. Prayer meetings, services, events, walks, pilgrimages will take place; continuous prayer and worship will flood thousands of communities; cathedrals, parks, churches and community buildings will be used as Christians gather to pray for His Kingdom and His Holy Spirit to come. As God’s children humble themselves before Him we know that He will hear us if we ask from that place of alignment with His kingly rule and His plans and purposes (John 15:16-17)

“In praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities." Archbishop Justin Welby

And it is timely to pause and reflect about what are we doing when we pray Thy Kingdom Come?
A number of leaders from different churches and organisations have been invited to offer their perspectives: see more at

Gavin Calver and Peter Martin from Spring Harvest

Lynn Green of the Baptist Church

Archbishop Angaelos from the Coptic Church

As we, at WPC, have shared ‘we increasingly realise the weightiness of praying this prayer …if we pray for His Kingdom to come then other kingdoms have to make way for it…… As we pray, 'Thy Kingdom come' we are praying for righteousness, truth, love, hope, wisdom, justice and peace to come; all of which the kingdom of darkness despises and hates. At a time when we are constantly bombarded with the evil outworking’s of that kingdom, what a privilege to demonstrate through our united praying, our words and actions, that the light of Christ has overcome the darkness and always will. This is powerful, transformational prayer. When we start to pray in faith we must expect change, we must expect shaking, and we must expect a push from God to keep on praying

A key part of Thy Kingdom Come is praying for those we know to come to know Jesus and the suggestion is we think of up to 5 people we know, meet or come across in our daily lives and pray for them daily in this season and beyond. Need some encouragement to persevere in prayer? Listen to Grace Wheeler ‘s story from Youth for Christ

New music video: Thy Kingdom Come

Resources for individuals, churches and families in.

10 day prayer guide from WPC



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