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Super User

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Friday, 11 September 2020 04:20

A leading epidemiologist warned the country is at a ‘critical moment’ in the pandemic, as students prepare to return to universities. Students moving across the country could cause a wave of infection. Data showed the highest number of detected infections was in younger people. Government scientific advisors said ‘significant outbreaks’ linked to universities were likely. Pray for University administrators and lecturers to have heavenly wisdom as they take steps to minimise risks on campuses. Current strategies include online teaching, grouping students together within year groups, putting in place local testing and tracing policies and no freshers’ week for 1st-year students. The University and College Union cannot see why the government insists students move around the country and engage in unnecessary face-to-face interactions. Also, online learning ‘would remove any need to open doors and windows in the winter months as the guidance suggests’. See also NOTE:  The Students Union wants a balance between personal teaching and online teaching; not least because many have paid £ thousands for local accommodation!.

Friday, 11 September 2020 04:21

In March 2020, just before the national lockdown began, a notice appeared on the government website seeming to allow women to conduct their own medical abortions at home. Outcry followed and the notice was removed, the government website claiming that it was ‘published in error’. Website visitors were reassured that there would ‘be no changes to abortion regulations’. The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care assured the House of Commons, ‘There are no proposals to change the abortion rules due to Covid-19.’ However, now 3 months later the government said, ‘DIY abortions could be a permanent fixture in the UK’. The media reported that up to 90,000 women have used the DIY service since it was introduced in March. The government will release official statistics next week. If 90,000 abortions took place it would make DIY abortion the biggest silent killer of lockdown, more than twice as many fatalities as Covid-19. See also

Friday, 11 September 2020 04:22

Ofcom reported, ‘the BBC is too white, middle class, and London-centric’ and the new BBC director-general believes ‘comedy output has left-wing partiality and needs a radical overhaul as TV and radio comedy are unfairly biased against Tories, Donald Trump and Brexit. He wants to restore ‘trust and confidence’ by reflecting all sides of the political divide. Tory MP Ben Bradley said that BBC comedy is Left-wing Tories and Brexit rants. ‘If they truly represent all licence-fee payers, that needs to change.’ Meanwhile, a new news channel is to be launched that will be ‘distinctly different from the out-of-touch incumbents’ and has already been awarded a licence to broadcast by Ofcom, under the name GB News. Its founder has said the BBC is a ‘disgrace’ that ‘is bad for Britain on so many levels’ and ‘needs to be broken up’. A rival project is also being devised by Rupert Murdoch’s British media empire. See

Friday, 11 September 2020 04:23

The following is based on ‘Reflections on Doing Church Online’ by a researcher in digital religion who points out that people are realising that online church can spiritually interconnect us when we are physically separated. Technological social interaction is growing with weekly congregational  rhythms of regular online morning and evening prayers, musical worship (streamed or interactive) throughout the week; there are daily activities for children, regular ‘Sabbath’ breaks from news and digital media; eating meals together as a family, prayer and contemplation connections; assistance for working from home, shared Bible reading, the encouragement of responsible contact with neighbours, and recruiting for all manner of community support. We can pray that pandemic lockdown re-awakens the church to her mission and calling through fresh expressions of church. Many are saying building-centred churches may never recover from low attendance, and thus low collections, compounded by pandemic-related recession. 

Friday, 11 September 2020 04:19

On 3rd September, a group of Christians uploaded a video on YouTube, entitled The Greater Middle East Blessing. In the video, Christians from 11 nations in the greater Middle East, sing The Lord’s Prayer and The Blessing in 8 different languages. The opening sequence of the video states that they came together across political, ethnic and language divides to pray for, and bless, their region. It communicates hope to the hearts of those who watch it and hope for the Middle East because Christ is there through His Church. May it also encourage people to pray for, and stand with, our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, as they continue to be salt and light in the region. see

Friday, 11 September 2020 04:20

During the last two weeks in August and for the first time ever, 185 Israeli Air Force pilots went to Germany for training in joint manoeuvres with German pilots. They also joined together to remember victims of the Holocaust and the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972. This was a very moving expression of a growing trust and deeper friendship between Israel and Germany. God uses our hearts as places of transformation in order to literally turn the world up-side-down.

Thursday, 03 September 2020 09:54

“Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord. Or where will my resting place be?" (Acts 7:49 NIV)

We feel the Spirit of God calling us as individuals, nations, and as a global family into a marked time of consecration. The Holy Spirit is moving upon our hearts to remember all that Jesus has done for us, transforming us into the living stones that God is using to build His dwelling place on earth. We would like to release a call to our global family to set aside time to seek the Lord's face, posture our hearts in worship, and allow Him to speak afresh.

The year 2020 has ushered us all into a new era. We are transitioning into the era of the Kingdom. There is an invitation to partner with God in manifesting His Kingdom here on earth. We feel that we are no longer living in Kairos moments but are, in fact, in a Kairos season. Therefore, we want to take the time to let the Lord speak and establish His plans and ways in our hearts.

We feel the Holy Spirit is bringing a holy alignment between the heart of God and His Bride. As we consecrate ourselves corporately, He will mobilize us as ONE army in holy array and prepare us for the days to come.

We welcome you to join us for our 4-Part “Preparing a Dwelling Place” series that will take place in the next few weeks. As we enter into the series, we invite you to join us for 28 days of prayer and fasting from September 10th to October 8th, covering the window of time we will be gathering in consecration.

During the upcoming 28 days of prayer and fasting from September 10th to October 8th, we have invited different ones from the family to release a prayer and/or proclamation each day to lead the wider family in engaging in this period of consecration.

These clips will be released daily at 8:00PM PT (Vancouver) on our Facebook, Instagram and YouTube page. Feel free to like, subscribe, and turn on notifications to receive them immediately.

Monday, 24 August 2020 09:22



Monday, 10 August 2020 11:41
Trust you are following the news about the horrific blast caused by over 2000 tons of ammonium nitrate that exploded in Beirut, Lebanon on August 4th. So far 158 have been killed, over 6000 injured and 300,000 made homeless. Deep trauma and loss of hope has affected the whole nation that was already in an economic crisis and needing to deal with the Covid-19 situation. Officials estimate the explosion caused up to $15 billion worth of damage. The ammonium nitrate had been left at the port warehouse for six years despite repeated warnings it was dangerous, so there is huge anger and many have been rioting calling for even the execution of their government’s leaders.
Massive relief is needed and thankfully several governments of major nations have pledged to help. Above all, we need to appeal to the Lord of the Universe, the One with all power and resources to bring about His comfort, peace, hope, healing, deliverance and restoration to the many that are so despondent, crushed by what has happened to their beautiful country. Would you please, therefore, keep the nation of Lebanon in your prayers over the coming weeks as it seeks to recover from this disaster during these crucial days?
Please have a look at this video from one of our friends who is both a prayer leader and humanitarian about how they are trying to help on site. If you want to contribute some financial assistance to help their efforts, you can do so to these two Lebanese-run NGOs that I know will use your funds well.
One Lebanese humanitarian worker friend told me that they are focusing now on the following efforts
  1. Food/Hot meals targeting vulnerable internally displaced people for next 30 days
  2. Medicine/ gap coverage for those who lost their homes and are in need of medicine and minor medical expenses
  3. Rehab of destroyed homes/ Boarding up busted windows and doors
  4. Street and home cleanups
Triumphant Mercy Lebanon
Witness as Ministry
Here are some prayer concerns that people close to the situation there in Beirut have shared.
Let’s pray specifically for:
  1. For a well-coordinated relief response and that both the local and international NGOs will cooperate and work together in a synergistic manner to provide rapid and effective assistance.
  2. The healing of the nation as it is deeply wounded and that the church will rise and fulfill its purpose and be a light in the midst of darkness.
  3. For the rioting and violence to stop and for God’s peace and order to prevail.
  4. That the Islamic agenda will not be able to be implemented.
  5. For an independent judicial system that is not under political power so that corruption could be judged.
  6. For the economic situation in Lebanon to be resolved and Lebanon to become prosperous again.
  7. That the promises of God for Lebanon (being transformed in a moment into a fertile field) will be fulfilled.
  8. That the many Syrian refugees who are in Lebanon will be able to go back home.
Thanks for your prayers of faith that will bring about His answer to all these requests.
Yours in Christ,
John Robb - Chairman
International Prayer Connect
Wednesday, 05 August 2020 17:41

As of Wednesday morning, the novel coronavirus has infected more than 18.5 million people across 188 countries and territories, resulting in at least 700,896 deaths. In the U.S., all 50 states plus the District of Columbia have reported confirmed cases of COVID-19, tallying more than 4,771,519 illnesses and at least 156,830 deaths. Pharmaceutical companies around the globe are in a race to find a verifiable and safe vaccine, with human trials now taking place. Meanwhile, there is growing support among physicians and epidemiologists for the use of hydroxychloroquine.  Compelling testimonies are being publicised showing that when taken in tandem with zinc and particular anti-biotics (azithromycin or doxycycline), it has had remarkable results. Let's be praying that political differences can be laid aside so that the merits of this treatment can be confirmed speedily through clinical trials so that many people can benefit widely from it.

Pray that the covid-19 virus is stopped in its tracks.
Pray for a verified vaccine to be successfully developed and produced.
Pray that the inexpensive and effective use of hydroxychloroquine can be trialled and rolled out quickly, so that all nations can benefit from it.
Pray that the economic and societal impacts of the global pandemic will be minimised and reversed quickly.

More info: