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Friday, 29 March 2013 19:02

The Christian Enquiry Agency is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a new poster and postcard campaign. The organisation provides free and confidential information about the Christian faith. Its campaign is inviting people to take a look at the website and offers them a free colour magazine-style Gospel of Luke. The postcards ask the question 'At what moment in your life did you feel most fully alive?' On the reverse is the challenge: 'It's time you found out what Jesus said about life in his own words.' People can add their details and send the postcard to a freepost address or  use the QR code to ask for a Gospel. It is hoped the 50,000 postcards placed in cinema foyers around the country will make their way into the hands of people unlikely to set foot in a church.

Pray: that this initiative will lead to many people discovering Jesus and new life. (Ac.20:24)



Sunday, 15 September 2013 18:18

Recent surveys yet again paint a gloomy picture of how little many people know about Christmas and the birth of Jesus. According to polls, 51 per cent of people now say that the birth of Jesus is irrelevant to their Christmas. Just 12 per cent of adults know the nativity story in any depth; and 36 per cent of children do not know whose birthday is being celebrated during the festival. It makes it all the more important therefore that Churches and Christians do what they can to get the real message out. Leading Christian groups, including the Church of England, Traidcraft, the Methodist Church, the Bible Society, and the Evangelical Alliance are coming together and putting their weight behind Christmas starts with Christ because they recognise something needs to be done. We should expect to be seeing quite a lot of this logo and the accompanying adverts in the run up to Christmas.

Pray: for the true story and meaning of Christmas to be widely told this year so that many more people may learn about Jesus. (Jn.3:16-17)


Monday, 17 January 2011 20:02

The 24/7 Prayer movement has become a formal partner of the Fresh Expressions initiative. The announcement follows conversations between the head of Fresh Expressions, Bishop Graham Cray, and 24/7 leaders Andy Freeman and Pete Greig. ‘The result was that it felt like the right time, something that God wanted us to do,’ said Freeman, who sits on the 24/7 Council. 24/7 Prayer began as a single student-led prayer vigil in Chichester in 1999 and has since grown to become an international movement of prayer, mission and justice, spanning more than 100 countries. Freeman said the he was particularly interested to see how younger people could be involved in starting up fresh expressions of church and how prayer rooms could be used as part of the listening process for people interested in building mission communities and fresh expressions. Bishop Cray, Archbishops’ Missioner in the Church of England, said he was delighted that 24/7 Prayer was joining Fresh Expressions.

Pray: that God will bless and encourage this movement through His Holy Spirit. (2Co.9:12)


Monday, 21 November 2011 16:29

As the Olympic and Paralympic Games approach, Pete Greig, a founding champion of 24-7 Prayer, author of ‘Red Moon Rising’ and Director of Prayer for Holy Trinity Brompton is helping to launch a year of prayer called Kingdom Come 2012, challenging God’s people to pray that the name of Jesus will be lifted high in our lands once again. Kingdom Come 2012 is a partnership between 24-7 Prayer and Alpha to encourage thousands of churches to fill an entire year with night and day prayer, aiming to build on the success of unprecedented years of non-stop prayer across Scotland in 2010 (The Big If) and Ireland in 2011(What If?). Nicky Gumbel, Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton says 'Prayer is the power behind our vision to see the re-evangelisation of our nations and the transformation of society. In 2012 we are going to be praying like never before.’ For more information please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Pray: that the Church will take up the challenge to pray in the kingdom and transformation of our nations. (Mt.6:10)


Thursday, 05 January 2012 15:30

Praying for your workplace is powerful - through prayer, organisational culture, relationships, management style, the bottom line, can all be impacted. But prayer is hard work. The group PrayerWorks seeks to support and network workplace pray-ers, sharing creative ways to pray and the stories of God's intervention, so that we don't lose heart. Instead we are re-envisioned and re-energised to come before the God who answers prayer. Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to 'pray continually'. PrayerWorks is trusting that the Spirit will re-envision Christians through the celebration of answered prayer, and that we will experience a renewed awareness of God's presence and activity in our places of work. All are invited to join the journey, and let 2012 be a year of prayer for the transformation of our organisations and their impact in the world.

Pray: for God's will for commerce and industry throughout the British Isles in 2012. (1Thes.5:16-18)


Saturday, 10 November 2012 10:06

Elections for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) will take place next Thursday across England and Wales. They are described as the biggest policing shake-up for 50 years. For the first time ever an individual will be responsible for setting police budgets and strategic priorities. A Police and Crime panel sitting alongside the elected Commissioner would make sure that their decisions, including the sacking of a chief constable, were not taken ‘maliciously or capriciously’. New York famously managed to halve crime by adopting zero-tolerance policing when Mayor Rudy Giuliani asked his Police Chief to focus on small crimes, sending a message of order being restored. In the UK Ray Mallon, a former Police Officer, helped cut crime in Middlesbrough when he was Mayor.

Pray: for those elected to be free to work independent of political agendas in the communities that they will be responsible for. (Ps.37:37,38)



Tuesday, 01 June 2010 16:23

School children as young as eleven could be given lessons about rape, prostitution and pornography, but critics have warned that the lessons are ‘too explicit’ for youngsters. Charity Rape Crisis has released educational packs for secondary schools, which can be bought for £100, as part of a campaign to end violence against women. They will prompt pupils to debate issues surrounding rape, and will also encourage them to act out a role play, which includes obscene language, where a boy and girl recall a drunken encounter. But Nick Seaton, from the Campaign for Real Education, has criticised the scheme, saying: ‘It is irresponsible and certainly not suitable for young children and probably not for older children either. ‘Just because these things happen does not mean that children need to have them rammed in their faces. Sensible parents will be extremely perturbed that their children are being introduced to this sort of information at a young age.’

Pray: for a considered, sensitive and appropriate programme of sex and social education. (Ps.34:11)


Wednesday, 11 August 2010 16:40

Over 1,000 girls in the first year of secondary school were prescribed the contraceptive pill last year, according to new figures. This represents a fivefold increase in the past decade, and critics are concerned about the increasing sexualization of the nation’s children. The figures, from the General Practice Research Database, also revealed that 200 girls between the ages of 11 and 13 were prescribed long-term implanted or injectable contraceptives last year. Dr Trevor Stammers, a GP and chairman of the Christian Medical Fellowship, said: ‘These figures illustrate the fact that the UK is facilitating the sexualisation of young people at an ever younger age’. If sex education is introduced in primary schools in the way being proposed, we will see many more 11-year-olds seeking contraception and if we pay GPs to give out contraception without pointing out the risks we are going to make matters worse’.

Pray: for our youngsters, and for guidance and support to resist the sexualisation of the young. (Ps.34:11)


Monday, 28 January 2013 10:34

Hunger and malnutrition in childhood will trap almost a billion young people in poverty by 2025, according to a major new campaign, launched last week by Britain's leading development charities and faith groups. 'Enough Food for Everyone IF' is the largest coalition of its kind in the UK since Make Poverty History in 2005. The group warns that in a world where there is enough food for everyone, the scandal of children growing up hungry also imposes a grave economic burden on the developing world, costing £78 billion over the next 15 years. The campaign, launched at Somerset House,London and across the UK, calls on Prime Minister David Cameron to use the UK's G8 presidency in 2013 to take action on the root causes of the hunger crisis in the poorest countries. The 'IF' movement challenges the Prime Minister to tackle 4 big IFs to help there be enough food for everyone.

Pray: that once again Britain will lead the world in tackling hunger in developing countries. (1Jn.3:17)


Thursday, 20 June 2013 13:03

The Bishop of London Dr Richard Chartres has delivered a challenging message to Christians about the need for the Church to be confident in living and speaking the gospel, and being compassionate in serving communities. He was delivering a lecture in Westminster hosted by Premier Christian Media Trust and titled 'Building Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land'. ‘There is no Christian vision without a recovery of prayer,’ he said. ‘One of the weaknesses of the contemporary church is that it gives its members very little help in how to pray.’ In addition to the need for prayer, Dr Chartres also mentioned how ‘re-engaging with the Bible’ is also essential in creating a ‘fresh Christian vision’. ‘All renewal movements within the history of the Church have been associated with a fresh engagement with Scripture,’ he continued.

Pray: that the Church will take up the challenge and engage in prayer. (Ps.54:2)
